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Message: the CONFERENCE CALL....... what the hell happened ?

I did not expect the tone of the Conference Call yesterday.

As Daniel Major proceeded into his monologue it became very apparent that he was

Not as Gung Ho…Low key…Subdued….

Worried inflections…..Defeated…..Demoralized…..off balance

This was in total contrast to the cock sure and arrogant Daniel Major that we heard in the past few encounters with him. I’ve needed time to relisten, reflect and respond to what transpired.

So what else happened during the call?

  • We were informed that the record date had still to be set
  • That “White Knights” could still be hiding in the bushes.
  • There were only 5 callers asking 10 questions (previously 11 callers, 17 questions)
  • Total conference call took 29 minutes,(previously, just the Q & A took 39 min.)
  • J.L. told Daniel Major that he was not trusted by shareholders

….. and that Daniel Major (after only 98 days on the job as C.E.O.) should be Fired for incompetence and the Board of Directors and Senior management are acting as “TERRORISTS”

Is something unexpected and worrying starting to develop in CMM Management’s supposed “Slam dunk” plans ?Have they gone back to the drawing board in light of the reaction that they are getting from shareholders?They may be licking their wounds but……

As my dear friend “Julius Ceasar” once said…..” beware the sly wounded Fox”.

(or something about a knife in the back of CMM Shareholders)

If YOU are having a bad day….. Listen to this


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