Welcome to the Equinox Gold Hub On AGORACOM

Message: Reminder - Agoracom Founder George Tsiolis offered Agoracom Resources


If you are reading this forum I'd like to ask for your help. I'm not sure if you're agreeable but here is my idea....

Could we have a sticky note added to the daily "Agoracom News Flash" with a title something like "Please HELP Fight Stock Market Oppression". A short reminder about the struggles Aurelian and Noront shareholders had followed by a statement that Century Mining shareholders need YOUR help! A short history of the issues followed by links to more details and then a link to the Donation button at Stockigloo.com.

If this is possible I suggest that the Century Mining CSC is contacted first to see if they would like to take on the writing of the notice.

If this idea took off perhaps other websites would post the same notice and we could get more exposure.

Thanks for your time and attention


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