I have taken a good position on this one these last 2 weeks. I wanted to buy more below $,035, but things have changed definetly today. The stock could go tomorrow to .04, but a new shareholders base has been built and seems that something is going on here. Maybe news tomorrow? it could be.
I have done my DD and i am holding for long. If things go well EQE has great potential. The most i like from their website i the sensitivity analysis they have presented to us. As a preliminary estimation if they start drilling with 20 wells and get 20 BPD =400 BPD . If dilution stays around the same, the company´s estimation is reaching 0.04 EPS.
Another thing I was wondering is what size are they expecting to reach to become a medium sized oil and gas company as they have stated in their web. Is it $100m market cap? $150m? $50m? i really do not know. Has someone any clue?