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Message: Sunday thoughts

In terms of Renova/Oerlikon/Victory/Unaxis/etc. I would like to introduce someone very important:

In the history of Oerlikon in 2000 the company was called "UNAXIS"

In 2005 the Austrian "Victory Industriebeteiligung" was the majority stockholder.

In 2006 the name was again changed to OERLIKON and all alignments on strategic and tactical activities were divolved to a Russian with the name "VLADIMIR KUZNETSOV".

Vladimir Kusnetov is holding a degree (MBA) Columbia Univerity and started at GOLDMAN SACHS and SALOMON Brothers to "learn the business".After that in 1995 up to 2001 he built up the Moskow local branch of GS.

In 2001 he became first officer and main confidant to "VIKTOR VEKSELBERG" as the chief investment officer of Oerlikon (Renova group).

Talking about Vladimir as the first officer we have to mention a man (wellknown for years) as the second officer of Viktor Vekselberg,a Swiss lawyer with headmost authority in all questions of law : CARL STADLHOFER (bodmember of Renova and Falcon).Stadlhofer is also connected to the NEUE ZÜRICHER BANK (NZB) denies to deal wirh this bank,because Renova mostly deals with UBS.

KUZNETOV is living in Zürch since 2004,as a good skier he is said to be first on the slope with Carl every year.....

Oerlikon space and Oerlikon optics are two of many other well manged companies under the same name.

Swiss Exchange (SIX) reports "Renova" holding 44.67 % of the stock and 12 % "Victory Unternehmungen" in Oerlikon due to some changes of late.

Viktor Vekselberg,Vladimir Kusnetov,and Carl Stadlhofer are the main players in the game with powerful influence all over.Carl will certainly not eat out from the palm of Bruner`s hand and is a dedicated follower of Vekselberg in a team of capital redemption reserve and able to put up any capital in case of necessity.

In terms of the given entanglements it should be peanuts for this group of people to knock out Bruner, making a real job of it in the Mako trough to get started properly.

I myself,would appreciate Exxon to walk at last and bet on the Russians,whatever they plan.If the Russians are serious and willing to spend another 100 MM without Exxon, they would just have to add 50 MM in case EXXON stays.EXXON wont bother with whom to go on to Phase two,if so,as they certainly know that Bruner has reached the end of the line.

We have to get used to a new future as investors anyway and forget about the past.

I do not see any hope for Beetaloo and PHUN so far,why should the Russians care for such assets being under water,looking at the current sp ?


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