Just a few minutes ago very pleasant but my does he know the technical stuff, no rah rah but more than willing to discuss why he feels the way he does. The way he see the Fancamp property next to Noront's DE find is that that nickle and platinum just happened to squirt out that way from Fancamps claim.
Ground geophysics is ongoing and it's a great time of year to get this done. Aerial stuff coming in soon and he hopes to be able to report on all this within a week or two.
Peter wasn't aware of the likelyhood Noront is drilling on the shadow bridge you can see on some of the maps and heading seemingly onto Fancamps property. He's like wow, if so I can't wait to hear what they find. He did caution that the geology there isn't quite as cut and dried as you might think and wasn't surprised Noront hit a few dry holes.
First time I've spoken to Peter and I came away impressed with his knowledge and calm straightforward way of expressing his convictions. No hype or puff at all although he sure is pleased to see share price start to recover the lost ground.