The depth of the holes was discussed on NOT's hub over the last couple of days, and I would like to add my thoughts to it. With the extensive properties that NOT has, all the JVs that it operates, there are a ton of drill sites that they will want to get in and drill.
A diamond drill team can bore out roughly 70m a shift, so these holes would have taken a day of drilling each, and probably the better part of a shift just to move and set up the drill at each hole. Given the cost of drilling, I don't blame them for not going much deeper. They knew that E1 dipped deeper as it headed south then east, and I think they were just checking to see if there was a shallow conduit on top of the larger one. With the much juicier anomolies to the west, they were probably of the belief they were wasting their time from the get-go.
I don't believe that there is any animosity between Smith and Nemis, and to suggest otherwise is a road we are best not to travel down. Hearsay comments lead to slanderous comments, then everyone needs to be told to settle down, before the water hoses are brought out, hehe.