Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: AT12 soon to be E3

AT12 soon to be E3

posted on Jul 28, 2008 02:28AM

I know this is the FNC board but due to proximity, I thought it was worth posting here as well:

I have had some PMs asking if I know more about hole#3 at AT12...how long is the hit, how good is it really etc... Well this is all I know: The hit has been confirmed by 3 different sources. The earliest indication of a massive sulfide hit came on Monday morning. When I talked to Richard on Wednesday afternoon, he confirmed that they were still on hole #3 at AT12. Of course Richard never said anything about hitting on #3 but since the rumors were so strong, I was paying close attention to his tone of voice and it was hard to hide how excited he was about this. I talked to another NOT insider and when I casually said that AT12 was getting very exciting, this person said: "Yeah, I know" and then caught themselves and were very subdued for the rest of the conversation. So again, after 3 separate confirmation and Richard and other insider, it is hard not to be very excited about AT12. How long is the hit...well if the news of massive sulfides was already out Monday am and they where still drilling that hole Wednesday...I would say it has the potential to be a monster hole. One of the independant sources when asked if this was Eagle 1 type hole replied: "It is a hole #5 type hole".

Please keep in mind that although I have always been very bullish about NOT, this is the first rumor that I post. I am not one to post rumors easily. I only did so after triple checking and discussing with many others. You can draw your own conclusion but I think we already have Eagle #3.

Very long on NOT!


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