Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: The Magpie issue

The McFaulds prospects will take care of themselves; thats a straight up deal. We may have a long way to go with this play before we even drill off C-5, or find some surprises over in C-2 through 4.

I understand your apparent frustration with the Magpie topic. I would assure you that I am too. However is it possible your frustration is misplaced. Perhaps it is time to place this topic on the back burner, for what's done is done, until new information comes out that changes it. Perhaps it may be that I am more optimistic on the possibilities of Magpie, and see that deposit as potentially as lucrative as McFaulds. The mineralization could be different but the value of the rock per ton could be equal or greater. So McFaulds is not the only arrow in FNC's quiver that has potential.

I think you may have missed a few points that cause a few posters to have brought this topic up in the first place. Just a quick clarification. You worte: "...the cloud of uncertainty that some here have created is causing an unnecessary distration."

No, no one here had created the cloud of uncertainty, that was entirely in the hands of FNC, this issue can be put to rest at any time, but not by any poster. The unnecessary distration is exactly that-unnecessary. That's all I or a few others have been trying to say. The issue has continued to be discussed because quite frankly I'm not sure it passes the smell test. I know it, and I believe you know it. But you may be right, it may be time to give the issue a rest.

You also write: "We owned half of Magpie but we sold it for X number of shares of Magpie Mining Inc, so now we own those shares...Some here are shedding a lot of doubt on this process..."

It is to your credit that you have trust-it speaks to your character, but I must ask what really do we own? Apparently nothing at the present, and that's my point. I don't see any shares in Magpie Mining that any FNC shareholder owns. And no, there is no one here on this board that has created doubt on the process. This was entirely done again by FNC. You also mention the process. By what process have we received a definitive answer on the above issue? By what process do the posters concerned about near term or future sales to lock in profits receive an answer? The "sit down, shut up, shut up, sit down" approach does not appear to be working.

That this, or some other posts had to be written are not the fault, nor a distraction caused by posters, who may, just may have been on board with FNC for a long time.

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