Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Re: Sucking it up
Sep 12, 2008 09:19AM
Sep 12, 2008 11:47AM
Sep 12, 2008 12:28PM
Sep 14, 2008 11:38AM
Sep 14, 2008 01:51PM
Sep 14, 2008 05:22PM

Re: Sucking it up

posted on Sep 14, 2008 11:26PM

I'm gratified to see more than a few shareholders are keeping one eye open regarding the Magpie deal. Just one slight correction Roos 2000, on the following paragraph:

i agree as well with an earlier poster here; it would be good to keep making noise on magpie, i got the idea they have the intension and might like to sell if off instead of trying to drill some holes in it? somebody any more constructive ideas on the above? thanks. best roos

We apparently sold it off a long time ago. We don't own the deposit any longer, and my feeling is that our standing as FNC shareholders regarding this deposit has to be in question. Maybe a short review of this transaction could be of benefit. In October of 2007, FNC together with The Sheridan Platinum Group acquired 100% stake interest in the Magpie deposit in Quebec.

Fast forward to February of 2008: As reported by The Canadian Press, FNC said that it has struck a deal to sell its 50% stake in the Magpie base metals deposit to a newly formed company, which intends to go public this year. In exchange, FNC would get 27.5 million shares of this new company, The Magpie Mines Inc. The Sheridan Platinum Group would also get the same number for its 50% interest. both FNC and The Sheridan Group would keep a one % net smelter royalty in the deposit...

The operative word in the above paragraph appears to be "intends"-well, hell, every NFL footbal team in the lower 40 intends to go to the superbowl every year, but only two teams make it. Should this intention give any FNC shareholder any comfort?

About the time this deal was struck, FNC started their website. To this date, there have been other PR's published on the website, but nothing regarding the Magpie deposit, or the flow through of any shares. Do we actually know who comprises Magpie Mines Inc.? Who are their principals? Has ths company actually attempted to get listed? Anybody receive their shares of Magpie Mines Inc.?

The responsibility to answer these basic questions does not reside with you or I, it resides with the company. Continued silence from FNC regarding this matter is starting to be way beyond curious...

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