Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Fancamp Exploration Ltd.: Drilling Begins on Magpie

From a February 19, 2008 article in Canoe Money Magazine, entitled "Fancamp sells stake in Magpie property for 27.5 million shares of new company-by The Canadian Press.

"Vancouver-Fancamp Exploration Ltd. a junior Vancouver miner, says it has struck a deal to sell its 50 per cent stake in the Magpie base metals deposit in Quebec to a newly formed company, which intends to go public this year. In exchange, Fancamp will get 27.5 million common shares of the new company, The Magpie Mines Inc. The Sheridan Platinum Group will also get the same number of shares for its 50 per cent interest in the Magpie prospect. Fancamp and Sheridan will each keep a one per cent net smelter royalty in the Magpie desposits on Quebec's north shore."


FNC;s SEDAR filing of August 28, 2008 also reports that FNC owns 50% of the Magpie deposit. The possibility exists, I guess, for the possible percentage reduction in our ownership based on a PP? More shares for the Sheridan Group? If so, I must have been at the coffee shop when the phone call came in asking me-a fairly long time loyal shareholder-if I wanted to participate in the PP. I've got to stop drinking those early morning cups, as I guessed I missed the PR about this possible PP or change of percentage ownership. <G>...

There always exists the possibility that through a positive spin on the law of unintended consequences, the Magpie deposit becomes the real sleeper of FNC's holdings. Good to see enough people are keeping an interest in FNC's additional properties other than McFaulds.

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