The fact that FNC hasn't drilled = no money to drill.
So what the hell has Mr. Smith been doing. Is he asking banks for money to drill or hoping Cliffs makes an offer. Therefore, if Smith can get a little money, is he going to divert a drill from nickel to Chrome to get a Cliff's offer?
Has our captain let go of the wheel?
This is my nightmare scenario. Our company out of cash in a cash strapped economy. Where's he going to get real money to make a realistic drill plan? He's not going to get that kind of money, so he's still hoping for that shot in the dark, a lucky, drill-a-few-holes-strategy. How do we take a company that employs this method seriously? How would a major take Mr. Smith seriously.
Only hope that could be the foundation of a realistic ROF drill plan is Magpie + Sheridon. Hopefully he can seduce Chinese to Magpie, since the Chinese are already buzzying for Canadian iron. So where Sheridan was difficult for us to like attached to FNC, now his aggressive greed may be our saving hope. Will a Magpie 43-101 help our "captain" seal a deal with the red flags? Has anyone seen Shreridan at his local haunts? I want his table surrounded by Chinese or him in China.
SIDE NOTE: If Smith or Sheridan could communicate officially, instead of through phone calls, I would feel greatly relieved. I think NOT has the correct attitude. A business should act business like. Cease phone call info and Communicate officially so there are no ensuing lawsuits.
Thank goodness for FWR and NOT, because I'm outraged at the FNC mistakes.