he's out of cash, unless someone knows differently.
I think he'll be selling to those who want to take FNC lands over, without having drilled, in a few years. I remember that prior 2008 ROF crash, his first instinct was that he wouldn't have to drill. I think he begrungingly drilled the few holes and missed the mark, FNC came crashing down.
Now it's still down and sinking again. FNC will wake up in 2010 once NOT really commits to drilling ghost bridge. And what the hell is going on with Magpie, Mr. Smith? Don't you care to communicate with us by-the-by shareholders. We believed in you and you came up with a drill plan of 15 holes or so? Magpie deliver us.
Can anyone reading this get in touch with Sheridan, since Mr. Smith doesn't seem to care about us at all? Perhaps he forgot he's a public company.