Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: uracan resources

Hello Luker.

Regarding Fancamp’s (probably insignificant) holdings in Uracan, you posted on 22 March 2010 (in part): “
Not really worth mentioning IMHO as FNC holds only 175,000 shares of URC which amounts to ~$35,000 at the most recent closing SP....unless there is a NSR that I am unaware of...”

My answer is far from timely, being that (besides your Post) I was not even aware Fancamp existed on 22 March 2010.
So far as I can tell, Fancamp’s present interest in Uracan is nearly insignificant (as you say). Yet, indeed, there are two factors besides the shares (which don’t seem to add much to the equation).

I very well could be mistaken (and correct me if so): I believe our interest in Uracan presently is being reported on our financial statements as “Johan Beetz claims” (probably the original title). The notes to Fancamp’s Financial Statements of 30 April 2013 (and also 30 April 2012) state as follows regarding this subject:

“ Johan Beetz claims”

“The Company retains a 1.5% net smelter royalty for the first two years of commercial production, increasing to 2.5% thereafter. The Company is entitled to receive quarterly advance royalty payments of $12,500 commencing January 1, 2008.”

It’s worth noting, besides its several important holdings (which we speak about often), Fancamp has a list of other interests (which are long shots). That’s to be expected, being it could be a long time before they’re proven to be worthless. Until then, we dutifully report all of them on our Financial Statements because of the simple fact that we’re required to do so.

By the way, “URACAN RESOURCES LTD” is one of seven big bold capitalized Links on the Fancamp website; but without one word of explanation as to why it’s there. Meanwhile, eighteen months ago, it took numerous complaints from several shareholders (including myself) before there was any mention whatsoever of Argex on our website.

Meanwhile, going nowhere are my repeated recommendations that our website display (prominently) the Spot Market Price of Titanium Dioxide (next to the tonnage of it on our Magpie properties). Remember what I said here a month ago: The Spot Market was CAD$12,420 per metric tonne (dollars, not cents). The Magpie in situ price was CAD 10.47 (cents, not dollars).

Besides crazy behavior having a purely psychological component, the craziness, in this case, is caused (in part) by the people selling our stock not taking the time (or not using their God-given mental powers) to apply simple arithmetic (such as multiplication and division) to figure out the dollars and cents. Combine that thoughtlessness with the mentality that values our interest in Uracan as worth more attention than the (completely left out) hard market facts concerning our 48.58 million metric tonnes of Titanium Dioxide.

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