Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: I harped and I harped about FNC

contained excitement

-No volume, too soon for rumors.-

Agreed. But it's difficult to contain one's excitement when there is an open forum to discuss ideas and let's face it most in our immediate vicininity haven't heard about the ROF. At least not in the states.

I've heard similar suggestions flying around in the background that Smith is onto something big. But the real volume and SP rise will come once the money does some checks on the rumors and commit. I also keep in mind that he's only a few days into drilling and only a few holes done. So for him to be onto something big, well it's possible. He has plenty of data to work with. And if I'm right, the first hole he drilled was a previous drill cleaned up and drilled deeper for a GM probe. With that info, he moved to hole 2. So if the rumor flying around has any validity, hole 2 must have got drilled through what he was after. He already knows where 2 intersections of 1 mter massive sulfides lie, so he's chasing the core to a large body of ore. Can't wait for him to release some geo-specs. It would be great if a hole 49 occured, where he drilled deep for geomag testing, but bumped through massive nickel.

Some posters turn me onto rumors that get me interested. Other posters, like hoov or Subbury, turn me on to investing because the data makes sense.

As always, it's the dilema. Get in at the bottom in the early stages of a rumor, or wait for the data.

Jumping in with Data: I remember the exact thing happened before and 2 weeks after Noront's hole 49 when SP was being suppressed. The data made sense, and I bought low before it exploded.

Jumping in with Rumor: Rumor circulated in background with Freewest when it was at .22. Rumor was a major offer in the works. I bought in. I was surprised when Noront made the offer, as they were not who I was expecting, but then Cliffs confirmed the rumor PM's flying around.

So both sort of work. No matter how much DD one does or how much confidence one has in the Rumor, it still feels like a risk when jumping in early before momentum hits. So many take the strategy of getting in once momentum is carrying the SP upwards. Others take the strategy of just holding it forever long until buyout or you crack and sell for profit. I do a little of both. Most FNC and other ROF co's are long, with some cash on side held for opportunity.

Now I feel split with opportunity money: FNC has rumors, yet NOT in 1.50's is awfully yummy.

Good luck.


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