Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Spin off?

head office in BC because that is where Debra Chapman lives and probably set up that way - but real office in montreal where peter is... no big deal

spin off - thousands of times talked to peter about this... he is reluctantly stubborn about this and would rather just sit and control properties by holding onto shares... i've enumerated countless possibilities on how to maintain "say" over opertions like magpie yet spin it out and go public... or champion shares or argex - the only way to force that hand is hostile bid on fancamp - target would be ROF property and purchaser would liquidate assets OR peter could be proactive... like what is he doing any ways beside take slow boat to drilling???

i am tired of lip service - rumour is that peter is going to expand advisory board and get a financial person - appeasement - big deal! he won't listen to that person anymore than - Baystreet IR or his advisors who told him to drill deep deep - but NOOOOOOO he had to go shallow...... guess he is waiting for the Nickel and other PGE's to erode to the surface OR Noront to find more stuff deep and basque in their glory.

Man has NO long term strategy..... it realllllly bugs me that champion took fancamp property and made itself a company with more market cap at this point than fancamp -that my friends is good management....

call peter ask questions - get no answers - nor visions as to his game plan.... sorry for being the cynic... but i hate watching GREAT / Fantastic assets go to waste because of inexperienced management.........

and for peter to say that board does NOTHING and is not the issue is so totally arrogant and off base it's pathetic. For gods sake they have never met face to face - worst corporate governance there can be...

and to grant more options for the wonderful year they had - downright unjustifiable.

i just pray that some miracle happens and all obstacles dissipate.

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