Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: FNC Property Value - Common Misunderstanding

brutus2005 or rosehill (if not mistaken)

I think we were on Probe forum before. All mining companies (Noront, Champion, Argex ming, Probe) need financing to support exploration activities. Thus dilution is unavoidable. With the exception of FNC, they all delivered data (43-101 compliant resource upgrade) in the past year.

Champion starting with estimated 4 billion tonnes of iron formation, they went through $3 mil, $625K and $30 mil financing, but proved 1.5 bill tonnes 43-101 compliant resources so sp went up. Probe also placed 18.52 mil PP and a heavy financing prior to Chromite exploration activities on 450-500m strike length. Noront failed in securing additional Nickel resource against the investor's expectation, thus manipulators kicked in. I believe Noront's NI contained in a pot shape (not continuoius). I was there before with my ID called freedom21st (lost password and changed my ID).

Champion would consider selling their property till they at least double the resource? NO. They recently added 3 diamond drill-rigs to make it 9 in total to acceletate drilling. In the same token, FNC would consider the sale of Magpie property based on 201Mt of proven resource? NO. Buyers do not count in estimated resource. In the case of Magpie, a new tecnology for mineral processing should be bundled together - How to effectively extract iron and titanium as well as by-products such as chromite and vanadium. New technologies are avalable to treat titanomagnetite.

We are now at the stage where unpleasant financing is behind us, just starting multiple projects concurrently and deliver upgraded 43-101 compliant reports (THIS IS A MUST!!). The iron ore price is so attractive. Accoring to Argex mining report, titanium price will be doubled by year 2015.


Only a portion of deposit #2 has been explored (201Mt).

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