Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: How the News was Reported

Of course, on this Message Hub, there have been never-ending discussions concerning management’s ineptitude in getting out the message and communicating it nearly as well as it should. For that reason, I predict my following comments will be well received because they serve to add fuel to the fire.

Concerning the latest progress report, I’m going to make a big deal about what may seem, at first, to be a very tiny detail. Management has been excellent making important decisions and, then, expertly following them up. Of course, that’s not what’s been driving many of us crazy. Ironically, the source of our anger has not been that but, instead, it has been the lost opportunities we would get communicating well (what, in fairness, amounts to) management’s great achievements.

That failure to communicate is more than a petty oversight. How human beings converse with each other is as basic as it gets. It drives business and commerce. In spite of management’s genius where it counts the most (finding and laying out plans to develop great stores of resources), we have plenty of good reason to be mad.

Arguably, the most important sentence in a press release is the last and concluding one. After waiting for more than a month to be inspired with how we’re maximizing our tremendous resources, these were the momentous words we got: Talking about “shareholder value,” the progress update concluded:

“Future plans continue to focus on this potential.”

I cannot imagine an important statement more bungled, more poorly said, or more invalid, inept or timid. Let’s parse it.

First, why use the word “future” to describe “plans.” Aren’t there plans right now? Anyway, how can plans “continue” that don’t exist in the first place (at least, right now)?

Next, why is the talk about “potential” values? We are not talking about theoretical physics. The talk should be about “unlocking” values that most definitely are there this very minute. As usual, the opportunity was thrown away to describe in a few well chosen words what the unquestionable numbers and the unquestionable statistical comparisons and evaluations already tell us, without doubt, about the company.

Don’t get me wrong. I love what management’s put together for me to feast upon. I love their screwball timidity, which is allowing me to gobble up so many tasty spoonfuls, being served up to me at soup kitchen prices.

Of course, the Press Release is great news, cloaked in vague talk about “future plans” and “potential.” Wake up management. Don’t be afraid, in simple words, to take credit for your own genius in assembling a portfolio of resources worth thousands of times what you paid for them. In public, just assign to each property the in-situ value of its resources. Then add everything up and talk about what you’ve accomplished (in terms of both the measured and inferred totals). You will astonish all the people who haven’t taken notice yet.

So far as the information about the Magpie IPO continuing on schedule for 2011, I couldn’t be more pleased. This is surprisingly good to hear because such basic reorganizations often wind up getting delayed. That there will be a new Magpie NI43-101 before the IPO, will not fail to capture some important players’ attention as soon as the resource estimates are released (with or without management’s commentary in fractured English).

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