Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: WEB SITE


I have not been very successful with my attempt to pass along my comments on the website (essentially to say politely that the website need a complete make-over for it to be user's friendly). I passed along the comments to Michael of Bay Street Connect. Got a general reply from him. I the followed up with some other comments but I have not received a beep from the PR company representative.

I also sent Dr. Smith copy of my e-mail and one directly to him using the address you kindly provided (peterhsmith@...and another one without the "h" just to be sure), but both came back undeliverable. Copy sent to Debra Chapman went through, but there has not been any responses from the company HQ.

I don't think that this is good IR from the company and the PR firm hired by the company for a good sum of money and options. I would agreed with a previous poster that for a small sum of money FNC could easily get a web designer to crank out a decent website...there are plenty of good example around, e.g. CHM.

I would say IR and PR of the company are waaay below acceptable standard! This is the 21st century and this company does not even have a contact e-mail address...pathetic!

Would you or anyone else who have a chance to talk on the phone with the company, please pass the message along to them, so that I would not appear to be one fussy shareholder who has nothing better to do.


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