Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Assay Results From the 2011 Drilling Program Completed at Fancamp's 17.5% Owned

Good to know Rago, but what 'you know' has been disproven many times so i can't really take your word on that! I will tell you that you're batting a 1000 for predicting NR's!

Teleprobe: I appreciate the comment, thanks. One simple example i can share is the change in interest for Desolation Lake. We went to 80% from 50%. There has also been property disputes b/w Smith and Sheridan which are outlined on Sedar. I just don't like these being buried in MD&A's although i know to some they are not a big deal. However, there are expenditures listed on Sedar in the latest financials for Desolation which are quite substantial. Specifically i am referring to the line item for drilling expenditures, which i can not make sense of. Hoping to connect with Peter this week to get some clarification.

I also never fully understood the rationale behind taking Magpie private only to take it public four years later? Was that necessary?? It made no sense to me - the only thing that does is Peter dilly-dallied as usual and that project is 3-4 years behind schedule. Oh, let's not forget, that someone managed to get approx. 3% stake from the financing. Hmmm.

Anyways, I just think people need to take a harder look and ask tougher questions. I plan to increase my oversight and i'll be sure to direct any concerns to much more qualified people than myself.

Hoping for the takeout sooner than later. Any more calls Rago? Lol.


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