Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

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I haven't done this research yet. ----- — ---- -How many years has Peter Smith been in the business and how many properties has he taken through a feasibility study to production or a sale? —— ----- — ---- -How many years has Bob Granger been in the business and how many properties has he taken through a feasibility study to production or a sale? ----- — ---- ----- — ---- I suspect Magpie is a very big one for personal and company reasons. It is FNC's flagship property and should be respected and acted on accordingly. My opinion is Fancamp shouldn't delay, hesitate, not be prepared, or prioritize cost savings over more expensive industry-respected reports.
Dec 11, 2011 12:25PM
Dec 12, 2011 05:37PM
Dec 12, 2011 07:04PM
Dec 13, 2011 02:57AM
Dec 13, 2011 04:45AM
Dec 14, 2011 12:31AM
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