Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Valuation of Nevado? Valuation of ArcelorMittal?

From observation, as well as direct experience, I know all too well our vulnerability to
an underpriced takeover. I have little reason to question we’ll follow the typical pattern
of the larger acquiring company calling the shots and being in the driver’s seat. After all,
aside from the unfairness, there’s a certain logic to a company such as ArcelorMittal
ultimately controlling the situation; because it is companies whose general business
operations are on a grand scale who are best suited to develop the kind of grand scale
resources we have.

Because of that and because ArcelorMittal dominates the infrastructure and the production
in our neck of the woods (and according to other reasons having nothing to do with FNC),
ArcelorMittal itself holds my interest. Such is their enviable position, they have the power
not only to exploit their mining properties (as FNC and others cannot) but also to grow
their mining holdings almost at will, on the cheap (at our expense as well as the expense
of our neighbors).

Naturally, most self-appointed investment advisors are not giving this the attention this
deserves because they’re focusing on ArcelorMittal’s steel operations (being they’re the
largest in the world). So its stock price ignores all of this. But that’s another story.

Suffice it to say, others may not be paying as much attention as I am to the fact that MT
has accelerated the growth of its mining operations so that they now account for 50% of
its profits compared to the 10% they’ve been, according to the previous business model.
Strangely, because a giant such as MT is on my radar screen, a News Release came
my way, concerning Nevado, a company on the other side of the size spectrum (whose
explorations are adjacent MT’s and near ours).

Has anyone heard of them? They have a market capitalization of $13.31 million. Ours is
$22.47 million. Yet, apparently, their holdings (near Fermont and near Magpie) are much
smaller than half the size of ours, not to mention the fact there’s little evidence they did
much to explore them, other than pick up some grab samples (of high grade Iron Ore on
one hand and high grade Iron-Titanium-Vanadium Ore on the other).

Does anyone on our Message Hub have any information about Nevado beyond what’s
on its website and beyond its latest News Release? Because of publicity (such as it is) of
what we’ve been doing, do we now have the beginnings of a staking rush where we’ve
been active? As in real estate and as in most other economic endeavors, we learn by
making comparisons. Anyone, more in the know than I, care to hazard a rough idea of
what valuation ratio she would give VDO compared to the valuation ratio she would
give FNC?

Because I have an alert out for MT with E*Trade, I received the following concerning VDO:

NEVADO Prospecting Results Confirm the Strong Iron Potential of its Properties Near Fermont

Apr 3, 2012 07:01:31 (ET)

MONTREAL, QUEBEC, Apr 03, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- NEVADO RESOURCES CORPORATION (frankfurt:NSV) (the "Company" or "NEVADO") is pleased to announce the results from the first phase of prospection at its properties near Fermont, which consist of 928 claims covering over 47,000 hectares strategically located in the southern Labrador Trough, in northeastern Quebec, Canada. The claims comprise three major blocks contiguous to, or proximal to iron producers ArcelorMittal Mines and Cliffs Natural Resources, as well as Champion Minerals' Fire Lake North project.

During the fall of 2011, the Company carried out an airborne high-resolution magnetic survey concurrent with a helicopter-supported prospecting reconnaissance program over an area of 80 x 100 km covering its Fire Lake North, Fire Lake South and Fermont claim blocks. The program's objective was to identify zones where the magnetic signature would indicate the likely presence of iron-rich areas favourable to DSO-type mineralization (Direct Shipping Ore).

The best results were obtained from the Fire Lake North block, more precisely the Mont-Merry area, where high concentrations of strong magnetic anomalies that correspond to a tightly-folded iron formation continuous with magnetic lows suspected to be caused by the demagnetization of the iron formation occur. The apparent thickness of the iron formation is greater in some folds, and could be as much as 100 meters thick.

The Mont-Merry iron formation is a mineralized body that forms a kilometer-scale, SW-oriented "U-shaped" hematite-dominant horizon that is tightly folded (isoclinal) and 75-100 meters thick locally. It is composed predominantly of hematite in the lower portion, albeit some magnetite occurs in the upper portion. The west side of the "U" appears to be a 50-meter monoclinal iron formation assemblage that dips 15-20 degrees toward the west and strikes north-south. Assay results from iron formation grab samples revealed 20-49% iron oxide content (15% magnetite), with negligible undesirable elements (manganese, titanium and phosphate).

Within a 5-km radius of Mont-Merry are the Lac Crocodile, Lac Pack, and Lac Chaleur anomalies, where cliffs of iron formation were encountered but topography and snow made access difficult for prospecting. These zones, however, share many geophysical similarities with Mont-Merry and, by reason of their close proximity, could strategically enhance the economic potential of the area. The lone assay result from an angular hematite-rich iron formation boulder from the area returned over 40% iron oxides (5% magnetite), and negligible quantities of Mn, Ti and P.

Michael Curtis, NEVADO's President and CEO, stated that: "This first phase of our program was a real success as it allowed us to confirm the strong iron potential of our properties and identify multiple targets worth exploring. Winter weather conditions however prevented our exploration crew from assessing the potential of all our properties, including the Lac Witch and Lac Carheil sectors in the Fermont claim block. The Company plans to assess these properties this summer, along with a more thorough investigation of the Mont-Merry, Lac Crocodile, Lac Pack and Lac Chaleur sectors in the Fire Lake North block. We believe that these properties constitute a highly prospective addition to our flagship La Blache project."

About Nevado Resources Corporation

NEVADO is a Canadian junior resource company trading under the symbols VDO on the TSX Venture Exchange and NSV on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. NEVADO owns 2,318 mineral claims or an equivalent of 1,227 km2 in the Baie-Comeau, Fermont and Eastern Townships regions of Quebec. The Company is currently focused on advancing the La Blache Iron-Titanium-Vanadium Project in the Baie-Comeau region towards National Instrument 43-101 mineral resources and development.

Martin Levesque, P. Geo., a consultant for NEVADO and a qualified person under NI 43-101, has reviewed the technical content of this press release.

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