Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: The Phone Conversation That Never Happened

For the better part of twenty years, I’ve actually done what we urgently need to be doing without delay. Consequently, my head is full of explanatory ideas. I’m holding back. I know if I say too much at once, my meaning will get lost in all my verbiage.

On the other hand, as we all know, in the cruel business world, it’s best to not dilly-dally around. We need to get moving already.

For starters, I’ll ask everyone who is listening to me to plant the same expression in their brains as the expression that repeats itself in my brain, that is “The Letter That Was Never Sent.” Actually, it’s the title of an old black-and-white Russian film I saw forty some odd years ago. It’s about, a man and a woman, two Uranium explorers, who freeze to death in Siberia. In the era of the Soviet Union, their dedication to working for their mother country was celebrated as heroic.

But it was the second message I got from the film that really stuck. That message is the film title about the un-mailed letter. The male explorer, early in the expedition, during a break, had written a heartfelt letter to his wife back home. That letter contained all his most precious thoughts about her and their life together. As he and his woman explorer workmate were dying in the frozen Siberian Wilderness, they held each other, closer and closer, not tenderly for sexual warmth, but for survival warmth. What a novel idea! At that very moment, “The Letter That Was Never Sent” blew away (never to be read).

Our situation is the same. Well, not exactly.

We have hundreds of letters to send. Or, in our case, phone calls to make. To escape our loneliness, we need to talk, again and again, to sustain our friendships. We have hundreds of what-will-be deep relationships that we haven’t even begun yet; because we have no one present to pick up the phone, even to start the work. For lack of sensible telephone call planning (in the movie, it was failing to make a warm weather visit to the post office), we’re dying in the wilderness without our future lovers even knowing we exist.

There’s nothing stopping us from conducting in depth conversations by the hour.
Proper and desirable people we need to reach out to include:
Researchers at Stock Brokerage Firms,
Mass Media and Specialized Media People,
Investment Advisory Writers,
Mining and Exploration Publishers.

If we work hard on getting started (and later on following-up and reinforcing)
two investment conversations a day with these kind of important players in the
industry, how many critical-to-our-future media and investment friends will we
have after a month?

How many will we have if nobody does anything?

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