Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Given an Avalanche of Support, This Gets Done

OK. Camper has had his fun at my expense; and, in return, I’ve had mine at his expense. Inadvertently, I may be more to blame for this silly distraction than Camper. I’m willing to face the fact I’ve been long-winded. Consequently, I’ve lost a few of you in the process or left you behind.

Please stick with me. However untactful I’ve been or however inarticulate my mode of expression, I promise you, what I had been talking about (before the distraction) is paramount.

Yes, concerning Campers followers, there’s some silliness in my keeping this subject alive. But what I’ve said (sardonically) about the people who approve of Camper’s mocking me was not an incidence of me imagining things that weren’t there. In well less than one day’s time, the count of registered approvals of Camper’s sentiments has risen to six. This is an above average reprimand of my ideas or the way I’ve expressed them.

Moreover, there are two Camper messages that have received this positive endorsement. Because the approvals were not all registered simultaneously, the approval of one or the other of his two messages possibly could have been as high as twelve. It’s unlikely all this can be accounted for as finger slips.

So, if this is all a “silly distraction” (as I said at the beginning of this message), you may wonder why I haven’t left it alone and moved on. Well, one explanation is human nature. But the second reason has merit. Good natured joking has its place. However, this, absolutely, is not one of those places. I’m trying to direct our conversation toward what the company can do to correct the main problem that presently exists, its share price.

Jokes or no jokes, there’s no reason on earth for anyone to dismiss, out of hand, what I have to say as craziness, before hearing my total argument, which, pointedly, I titled “To Be Continued.” This is not really a question of etiquette. I’m not so thin-skinned that I can’t take a good ribbing. What I’m doing now is attempting to be conscientious enough to stop any bickering before it begins (as it has, too often, on this Message Hub previously).

Often, I’ve benefited from reading the messages thoughtfully posted here. Let’s keep it that way. Let’s help one another make the most of her ideas. Let’s not stop cheering each other up and making light of our momentary bad fortune. At the same time, possibly the better contributors to our Message Hub can have a hand in righting the terribly wrong and misinformed daily beatings our Fancamp stock has been suffering.

There’s a place for disagreements, even strenuous disagreements and controversial ideas. However, there’s not one iota of hullabaloo in the proposition that management should increase our share price by having serious one-on-one discussions with the people and organizations who influence such matters.

Surely, at least so far as this one thing (if not on any other) my conviction will stand, as well taken, that we can have a 100% consensus. Surely, compared to leaving things just as they are, it’s better for our corporate officers and their representatives to speak up. I’m advocating this be done where it really counts, according to a well-designed plan, on a regular basis.

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