Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Getting the Soap Box to Stand On

Imagine if we had improving relationships with 200 or so influential investment advisory organizations, as I’ve advocated, when the Argex news broke. Imagine how we could have taken advantage of the additional tools and people we would have had to communicate our message.

What if we had in our tool box brochures prepared in advance concerning Argex (and Champion and other important subjects), which contained important detailed information? We would have put ourselves in the position to send those brochures out (both by email and regular mail), at exactly the right time, to exactly the right people, where it would precisely do the most good.

Imagine, after that, we reinforced the message as part of the followed-up phone conversations we had been having with these people. Imagine, as part of her daily routine, we had one person who was regularly in touch with those 200 or so influential organizations and well known to them. She would be in a position to reinforce our message, according to a regular schedule, and according to the predictable news that we’re always anticipating.

Imagine what it would have done to improve our market recognition when, every day, a number of well-connected people in those 200 organizations talked to their clients or wrote stories or talked to the media about what they had just found out. Do you think issuing a press release and keeping quiet otherwise would do as good?

Day after day, we are ignored. When we aren’t, the attention we get is not commensurate to what we’re offering nor is the information being widely presented or successfully presented. Of course, as it is, we have no well-thought-out plan and no well-prepared resources to reach retail investors and influence them to the degree that (1) they know we exist and (2) they are impressed with what they’ve learned.

As it is: How did we handle the Argex news? I’m not aware of any communications of any kind coming out of our corporate headquarters. We couldn’t have done better than zero?

There were comments on this Message Hub. Is that the best we can do? Leave it to a few of the better informed people who are already investors, on their own, to speak to each other about what they already know?

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