Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: True or False?

#1) If many more investors than previously know about a grossly unvalued stock compared
to not having heard of it at all, the price of that stock is more likely to go up than go down.
True or False?

#2) Compared to studying thousands of Press Releases, more investors passively invest
through a fund or find out about investment opportunities through conversations with
investment advisors or through the popular mass media. True or False?

#3) Investment advisors and investment fund managers and researchers and investment
advisory magazine and media reporters are more likely to recommend a stock after they’ve
communicated with the company. True or False?

#4) It would greatly benefit Fancamp shareholders should Fancamp find a way to talk to
investment advisors and investment fund managers and researchers and investment advisory
magazine and media reporters. True or False?

#5) We should target 200 or so of the most influential people within these organizations
for the purpose of having multiple, full scale, in depth conversations. True or False?

#6) Hiring one person to be in charge of this (not me) and to stay on top of it and to document
two new or improved relationships a day with important people will be worth it. True or False?

To me, all this is self-evident. However, if your answer to any of the above is “False,” please
kindly reply with what it is I’ve left out, where you think I’m wrong or on the wrong track,
or what it is that prompts you to disagree.

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