Peter and his dysfunctional crew - have to be made aware of their ineptitude.
Aside from Teleprobe - time for everyone to call Peter and other Board members to tell them that we are FED UP with their stupidity and lack of vision.
they want to be passive and just do what Peter wants --- well they are all Guilty of incompetence and poor governance.
Tell Peter his days are numbered - and let's scare the crap out of him... so he stops with the platitudes of how wonderful HE thinks the properties are BUT is too lazy and inept to make the case to others.
I heard that the last acquisition of the Applachian property was not approved nor even brought to the board for consideration. That is pure outright NEGLIGENCE and high handiness of Peter thinking he can do whatever he wants.
Sorry ask peter to show you the minutes of that meeting to discuss the addition. When he tells you he doesn't need to do it - call him on it.
time to get nasty.
have a great weekend.
PS - aside from Luker - Lethagal and Mtl Gold - nobody is coming forward with share owneship VIA Private message please.