Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Tellie---can you give us an update from--

Hello Happyappie.

Sometimes I email people, especially when our strategy is not the business of those who oppose our strategy. When I do that, I have the option of widely “cc-ing” the message. Also, with email, I can add attachments. Moreover, I can forward other peoples messages to where they’re of interest.

Sometimes I talk on the phone. You get the picture. Certainly, I would make use of your contact information (as well as that of others) should you send it to me in a Private Message. Send me your name, address, email, and phone number. I will return the favor. As I would be expecting of you, absolutely on my end, I will respect all the privacy restrictions you specify.

On the other hand, this Message Hub remains the excellent resource it’s always been, especially when it comes to reaching everybody all at once. Because we’re usually very open about what we want to do, this usually is the place to talk anyway. So, as follows, I’ll answer your question right here:

#1) I’m developing channels of communication, such mundane things as getting addresses and phone numbers of everyone I’m targeting to receive our message. Getting simple things, such as individualized best contact information, is not as simple as pushing a button. Belatedly, I discovered such places as the British Columbia Securities Commission can be a great help.

#2) So that I have a good understanding of whom I’m addressing, I’ve had “off-the-record” conversations with people who know the inner dynamics of the Board of Directors, so far as the revulsions and alliances between its members. Yes, it’s true. There’s “revulsions and alliances between its members.” Now, isn’t that a pretty picture?

#3) I’m delivering our initial message, not only to the BOD, but also to the Advisory Board and to all the major shareholders. Online, look up who’s on the Advisory Board. It seems to me, those people should be more than capable of understanding our message and doing something about it.

#4) In so far as our purpose of rousing FNC to get a move on, I’ve been practicing a few of the elementary follow-up marketing techniques I’ve been preaching that the company should take. To reinforce our message, I’ve ordered business cards, refrigerator magnets, and stickers. I’m delivering them, together with written reminders, where it will do us the most good.

#5) I will not let any of the people we’re targeting off-the-hook. My next message will be: We’re tabulating who’s friendly to our cause and who’s against it. Whose side are you on? Being with us includes being communicative with shareholders, which in turn, means being actively engaged. It means, just as we are, advocating and pushing for the share-price measures we’ve enumerated in the Addendum.

In other words, “Are you part of the problem or are you part of the solution?” If you keep your pro-shareholder opinions to yourself, you’re part of the problem. We expect friendly officers of the company and our friends on the BOD to do something to prove their first loyalty is to the shareholders. It means competing with us to see who can shout the loudest in support of our reforms.

#6) In my follow-ups, I will reinforce the idea that Press Releases by themselves are the equivalent of delivering the company’s message to an empty auditorium. The basic architecture of an auditorium is a stage and tiers of seats. We need to fill the seats. Not only that, every time we get up on the stage, it should be standing room only with enthusiastic fans who don’t want to miss a word we say.

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