Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Facts

I'm sure I asked that you google the word facts and get the definition first

To say FNC is up due to the announcement of the new slate is a fact, you would have to have some insight as to who purchased those shares and for what purpose. I'm guessing you don't know that....so, it's hardly a fact. It's like saying the sun came up this morning cause I got out of bed. The fact is...the stock went down on the first day of that announcement.

Your # 2 fact....that the question of options was brought up....ok, I'm sure the question was brought up...but, to that you have no difinitive answer. Well, you have your anonymous expert DD guy/gal... So, again....I'm guessing no call back?

Your # 3 fact....you start by stating "will not"...quite difinitive....then, by the next sentence it becomes "it's unlikely"...."as there is typically"....and the next sentence..."I would expect". When you put it all together, what you're really trying to say is....your not really sure, are you?

All in all....I'd say I have to give you a failing grade for stating what you think are facts...and for the most part are really just your opinion.

Your other assignment was to give some examples of proven illegal activies by Peter. The way you were going off there, sounded like you could come up with all kinds of examples. Yet, it doesn't seem you've come up with anything but hearsay....again, spoken as if fact.

We do know he doesn't return your phone calls....can you blame him?

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