Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Sudbury - take a hike.

really not interested in what makes you laugh,

I have been in this stock longer than you or anybody else on this board.

I have watched Mr Smith operate for the past 15 years. And some things don't change.

The man runs the company likes it's his own private fiefdom and cares less about us shareholders... Alll he cares about is for some place to go and a sucker to keep giving him money. and in the case of these public vehicles like Marquest / Mineral fields he has a perfect ally.

think about it... joe publice buys the marquest units sold to public. Marquest charges a fee to the fund for raising the cash. The rest of the money is employed to the likes of smith for his grass roots exploration - whether fnc needs it or not. then the shares of fnc are issued to the FT fund - so Joe public ends up owing lots of FNC and Marquest are the gatekeeperes without any vested interest...

so marquest does not care about the value of fnc because it doesn't line their pockets - it goes to joe public..... and when Joe redeems his units in FT - Marquest has to liquidate shares in order to meet the redemption ... and if they pound the fnc share price to smitherines -- they don't care. why? because they do it all over again.

my questions were serious in that my experience shows PETER unable to take the grass roots and develop the property....

if the man would seek good counsel and listen then i don't care what the markets are doing - fnc would be over 1 buck and each shareholder would have a piece of chm - rgx - magpie (which should be public years ago) - Lamalee - ROF etc.

why does the market treat fnc with so mudh disrespec -- becaue management sucks!

i am tired of it and want to see change.

so P*** off and take your editorial advice and put it where the sun doesn't shine.



Oct 29, 2012 02:49PM
Oct 29, 2012 03:03PM
Oct 29, 2012 04:30PM
Oct 29, 2012 05:32PM
Oct 30, 2012 09:53AM
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