Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Close to 100% Predictive Oscillator

For the most part, I’m a long term fundamentalist, not a short to medium term trader.
I mention it, not because I’m recommending that perspective.
I’m only mentioning it because there’s a technical tool out there that’s nearly 100% predictive.
It’s so good, even a great skeptic, such as myself, employs it.

It doesn’t give clear signals every day of the year.
It’s only relevant at major market turns (which it calls with almost 100% accuracy).
I promise, I’m not selling you snake oil.
As follows, I’m giving away the hard facts for free, no strings attached.

I’m going to ask you to look at three Commodity Charts, for Gold, Silver, and Copper.
I’m not a Buyer or a Seller of these (or any) commodities.
I buy or sell commodity-related stocks (such as FNC or CGR). I get great leverage that way.
Weekly trends are more reliable than daily trends. As follows are links to three weekly charts.

Weekly Gold

Weekly Silver

Weekly Copper

You will note, there’s a Tricolour Volume Oscillator below the Weekly Prices.

Not to give you a too long explanation, it’s simple and correct to consider:
Red and Purple = The Public
Green = The Professionals

Purple does not move much, so you can disregard it (but it does confirm Red’s direction).

Gold and Silver >> Market Top = Red and Green far apart.
Gold and Silver >> Market Bottom = Red and Green near together.

Copper >> Market Top = Red way up and Green way down.
Copper >> Market Bottom = Green way up and Red way down.

What we have right now is the strongest Buy Signal since late 2008.

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