Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: The Company also wishes to report that,

Hello BarbuBeatnik.

You’ve used the words “something stinky” to describe what “seems to have happened among the directors.” As for me, at this point, I have a less vibrant (but just as strong) way to describe my dissatisfaction of the latest board-of-directors soap opera. So far as I’m concerned, “disrespectful” and “thoughtless” and “insulting” are the words to describe today’s announcement on two separate levels—that is—both in regards to the Shareholders and the wider Investing Public as well as in regards to Jean Lafleur and Guy Girard.

As the spokesman for Shareholders for Accountability at Fancamp, I was dissatisfied with both Peter Smith’s and Jean Lafleur’s failure to address the Shareholders’ recommendations. So far as I know, every single Shareholder who corresponds to this Message Hub (as well as every Institutional and every Major Shareholder I’ve ever talked to) agrees that Fancamp absolutely should make the hands-on promotion of the company’s assets its number one priority and should regularly report back the progress made. Having said that, in every single other regard, very plainly, Jean Lafleur has served us exceedingly well.

Strangely, today’s News Release is signed by Michael D’Amico (“Investor Relations”), not by Peter Smith (the “interim President and CEO”). Yet it is “The Company” who “is very pleased to announce its unreserved support” for “the Champion/Mamba plan.” Also, it is “The Company” who (without one word of explanation) “wishes to report that Mr. Jean Lafleur is no longer President and CEO of the Company.” Well, who but Peter Smith, the “interim President and CEO,” has license to speak in the name of “The Company”?

I cannot begin to imagine what could have crossed Peter Smith’s mind that lend him to believe he could be justified in callously dismissing every last one of Jean Lafleur’s many excellent accomplishments without one word of thanks or even the slightest passing acknowledgment that Jean Lafleur ever did anything at Fancamp. To add insult to injury, Peter Smith didn’t even so much as assign a News Release to what’s taken place. Instead, he barely mentioned this whole important subject and buried it in a completely unrelated News Release proclaiming his “unreserved support” for the “Champion/Mamba plan.”

So, what’s up with Peter Smith? He either (1) takes us for fools (both the Shareholders and the wider Investment Community) or (2) has surpassed himself in being counterproductive by bringing his already deficient communication skills to new deeper depths.

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