Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Rebranding Fancamp

Of course, the idea of taking the word “Exploration” out of the name of the company is to replace it with something better, which will attract new investors and encourage the present shareholders to invest more. Besides that, we get addition by subtraction because “exploration”—by its very nature—is an activity whose ultimate outcome is—by definition—“uncertain.”

So, when we know the underlying value of our company is misunderstood, why compound the error by broadcasting an uncertainty we have about ourselves, which is not even true? At this stage of Fancamp’s evolution, repackaging our brand (so-to-speak) is significant. The implications are wide; and the payback will be many times over.

Given an unheralded company in a major industry, the direct marketing industry subscribes to the belief—and proclaims its belief—that it is axiomatic that a long name will outperform a short one. So far as this subject, I go along with the consensus thinking (but only because my own business experience confirms it). With that in mind, I offer two suggestions:

#1) Fancamp Resources and Royalties
#2) Fancamp Royalty and Resource Portfolio Beneficiary

I suppose, there’s something to be said for #1, being that it is short and to the point. That’s, generally, a good thing. In school, we all were taught that being short and to the point is far better than rambling on.

Also, without a doubt, it’s far superior (and more truthful and more informative) than “Fancamp Exploration.” On top of that, it has a better ring to it than #2.

Nonetheless, #2 is the better of the two, even though it looks very bad. Appearances can be deceiving. “Resource Portfolio Beneficiary” puts the spotlight on the attractive business logic behind our present business strategy. Even though “Resource Portfolio Beneficiary” are not words that easily roll off the tongue—even though the phrase may not sound enchanting—in reality, it succinctly makes our case.

Our business strategy is to get others—in return for a share of the profits—to pay us for the privilege of paying still more money on top of that for doing the exploration and development work (by them for our benefit). That’s the payback we’ve earned because we discovered the (world class) resources in the first place. “Resource Portfolio Beneficiary” begins to express what our business model is. After all, we have to begin somewhere (in the description of who we are).

Naturally—besides our attractive business model with the resources to back it up—we need to be enthusiastic and eager to explain the very special investment portfolio the investor will be getting. We must have the prospective investor’s attention and curiosity before we can even begin to make our case. Naming ourselves “Fancamp Royalty and Resource Portfolio Beneficiary” would be the first step in the right direction.

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