Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Fancamp Grants Fifteen-Cents Stock Options

Hello Luker.

Thanks for informing all out there—including anyone who possibly is slow on the uptake—that I wrote tongue-in-cheek, especially developing the main theme of my message (which was all about how fast Dr. Peter Smith has been to deliver value to Shareholders over the course of the last 25 years). Dr. Smith doggedly searched for treasures in the ground. To his credit, he employed and directed geologists who uncovered and verified world-class treasures.

The only problem is the Shareholders who financed those world-class successes have only world-class financial deficits to show for their confidence in Dr. Smith’s business sensibilities. How can that be? There’s one terrible problem with his corporate leadership. Well past anybody’s ability to make excuses for him—countless times over the course of the last twenty-five years—he’s proven beyond a shadow of anybody’s doubt that he is absolutely unmovable in his determination to refuse to listen to reason.

I have direct experience, which backs up what I say. But, without me saying anything (right here and now) about how Dr. Smith rebuffed Shareholders for Accountability at Fancamp, the emptiness at the top is painfully visible, even to those only slightly familiar with the company. Working to enhance the shareholders’ equity values is an elementary good-business principle universally practiced everywhere but here.

Just for starters, take a look at one thing, our website. Several times, on this Message Hub, I did the Magpie arithmetic. Take the tonnes of Titanium, Chromium, Vanadium, and Iron. Take our ownership percentage. Take the compositions of what forms the metal ores trade in. Take the daily spot-market prices of those compositions of metal ores. Take our repeatedly successful metallurgical feasibility tests. Take the size, purity, and homogeneousness of our resource.

You don’t need any special expertise—simply and cleanly—to run the numbers. What do you get? The last time I added it up, it came to more than 600 million Gold equivalent ounces.


How come this is not front-and-center of our website’s front page? Yet whatever your thinking about this, it hardly matters anyway, because hardly anybody cares to go to our website in the first place. Well, then, what’s my point?

My point is, Fancamp does not communicate (in an accountable and organized way) with the influential people in the investment community. Fancamp even goes so far as to insult investors by not responding to them, even when it is they who take the initiative. Every respectable public company on planet Earth dutifully responds to its investors and works hard seeking out new ones. Dr. Smith, in contrast, has a talent for shunning any Shareholder who respectfully communicates the concerns of all the other Shareholders. Again, I will talk about my individual experiences in another message.

For the moment, just now, think of two things. #1) Our share of the Magpie resource is the equivalent of 600 troy ounces of Gold. #2) The question is not how well we communicate that fact once every 25 years. It is more the question of having a Shareholder-centric policy of reaching out and making the determined and documented and well-planned effort to communicate and reinforce our message every 25 minutes.

After 25 years, what is our Report Card Grade? How well are we known and respected by investors and known and respected by the people investors turn to for advice? We should not be asking ourselves that question after 25 years. And we should not have the worst grade imaginable after 25 years. Would that be the case if the brain functions of those in charge spent one percent of their valuable time thinking of how best to enhance Shareholder returns? Aside from 25 years, what is the excuse for not honoring and valuing the Shareholders every hour of every day?

On a Shareholder page of our website, what’s so bad about publically reporting back the statistics backing up the daily number of investment calls made and received? How many successes? What were the responses? How did we handle the requests. What kind of literature did we send out and how often are we doing it? Are we following-up and keeping a record of who the important investment people are at every relevant investment firm? How many investment companies are considering recommending us to their followers? How many investment companies have already joined the Fancamp bandwagon? What are we doing to keep their support and reinforce the messages we’ve been sending them?

If we were doing some part of this every 25 minutes (not once every 25 years), would the price of our shares be nine cents?

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