Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: FNC.V positioning to become income generator: Updated

Jean Lafleur noted several times that Fancamp planned to distribute share dividends down the road on 2013-10-25 news release.

Fancamp will continue to focus on:

  • Exploration activities through the acquisition and predevelopment of key mineral exploration projects to enhance value;
  • Accretive divestiture opportunities of projects for the further development by partners leading to the next generation of mines;
  • Opportunities to generate cash through the royalties held on producing properties and the sale of shares in partner companies;
  • When appropriate, distribute cash and/or share dividends to the shareholders.

As distributing share dividend will not only boost the share price but also increase the value of their holdings (double effects), I think this will happen when cash flows is more than house keeping costs. Marquest voted for P. Smith with their 14M shares in the last proxy battle and he won by 12M. Once bailed out…who knows??

I have two questions:

1) Why does Argex not buy out Fancamp?? FNC is no longer the largest shareholder (from 9M to 4.5M) of RGX and P. Smith is no longer sitting in BOD.

2) In regards to Magpie property, they should consider setting up a (small – medium size) mill on site to extract Titanium and Vanadium only and transport them thru aircraft leaving the rest on-site. Building the road or railroad or using the pipeline over 400km deemed to be nonsense to myself. Power can be pulled from 40km south.


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