Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: The Globe and Mail

I realize how often I’ve offered my complaints. There may be some truth in thinking I’ve overdone it. What’s interesting is that, in this forum (or even elsewhere), not one person has complained about all my negativity. My story is always the same old story, the disconnect between the value of our assets and the recognition of that value by the investing public. Even though Dr. Smith has been repeatedly informed what elementary and self-evident actions are screaming-out to be done, he doesn’t get it.

The remarkable fact that nobody criticizes me for talking at long length (as they did more than two years ago) can be explained by the easy-to-understand frustration and exasperation we all share, even to the extent of the whole lot of us standing steadfast and shoulder-to-shoulder in agreement about virtually all the negative things we’ve all observed. That’s the reaction of shareholders when they’re confronted with the reality of management’s decision to do next to nothing, so far as building a following and building relationships with investors.

People who—in other phases of life—are not afraid to express many diverse opinions, remarkably, speak in one tone of voice on this Message Hub. That’s what widely-felt frustration and exasperation will do to unify people (who otherwise, often, wouldn’t so much as agree as to what day of the week it is).

Well, I’m about to upset the apple cart (but not yet) by talking about all the magnificent things Dr. Smith has accomplished at Fancamp (raising our share price not being one of them). I’ll leave that for another day. For now, I’ll underline something that has gone right, even in the very same sphere where we’re all justifiably frustrated and exasperated.

Not being Canadian, I hadn’t heard of The Globe and Mail. So I looked it up on Wikipedia. The non-Canadians on this Message Hub may be glad to learn what I found out. Being written-up in The Globe and Mail (as we were on May 30th) is a big deal. Thanks, Bluebird, for posting the information; and thanks, Luker, for posting the Link, which I’ll do again for anyone who didn’t get it.


For the information of the non-Canadians out there, Wikipedia reports that The Globe and Mail is “Canada’s largest-circulation national newspaper.” It is characterized, in the Wikipedia article, as “being regarded by some as being Canada’s ‘newspaper of record.’” In the USA, The New York Times is considered the “newspaper of record” by many.

So—if I understand this—The Globe and Mail has a comparable status and reputation in Canada as The New York Times has in the USA. That’s not bad company to keep.

This is not the same as being written-up in one of the infrequently-read mining journals. So—if I understand this—we have good reason to expect to receive a good measure of better attention and, on top of that, the attention coming from a well-informed readership. Presumably, it’s possible, if not likely, that there are a handful of business executives with money in their pockets who will follow-up.

In conclusion, the Fancamp driver of the bus promoting Fancamp is asleep at the wheel. But others have taken notice (on their own) and are stepping in to rescue us.

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