Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Part II: Changes Afoot in Titanium Pigment Industry

Hello Luker.

Thank you for keeping your eye on the ball. The technology will make a difference.

“Feature article June 27, 2014” from Mining MarketWatch

This is nothing more than a minor update of an earlier write-up. But it’s noteworthy that there remain a few hardy souls still putting out the good word.

Regarding Titanium metallurgy, remember we have our own proprietary process, which we hired SGS to develop. The Mining MarketWatch article makes note of that Titanium technology in number five of the eight “Flagship assets and key interests of Fancamp Exploration Ltd.”

Last year, Fancamp issued two important News Releases regarding Titanium. So far as I know, the information remains today as exciting and as relevant as it was when it was given to the press last year. So, naturally, I wonder, besides the “Pangang Group of China,” we’ve had in-depth discussions about this with how many influential corporate players? We sit down regularly with how many influential investment professionals?

Take your choice. Predictably, management has not lifted a finger or, predictably, management has kept its comings and goings secret (for unfathomable reasons).

13 March 2013 News Release

2 September 2013 News Release

Back on 20 April 2012, I talked about this subject. I titled my message, “This is Important. Don’t Forget SGS and CORUM.”


Within that message I said, “We should not lose sight of how important our relationships are with the companies offering us technical support. SGS, for example, is a multi-billion-dollar-in-revenues company with divisions in 74 countries. We’re on the right track leaning on their knowledge bank, their know-how, and their experience. Check out their website (as follows) and imagine what we can do with our relationship with their engineers.”


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