Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Lamelee insider 7/11/14

Hello MaCloud.

I stand by the fact that—taken as a whole—my message comparing Lamêlée to Koper Lake (at Bold) does make sense just as I wrote it. However, you very rightly zeroed in on the most important thing in my message, that is, what the partners Bold and KWG are paying us to buy into our Koper Lake Project. Your message, rightly, left out all my talk about Lamêlée. I believe you did that because the payments coming to Fancamp from Koper Lake, obviously, are deserving of discussion as a separate and distinct subject.

As you can tell, I like to make monetary comparisons in order for the dollars coming in to register in my thinking as either being highly significant as opposed to being inconsequential (or
peripheral). When we go shopping, we make price comparisons all the time. That’s what determines whether the cost is too high or whether we’re getting a bargain or whether the price difference is too little to care.

In commercial trade, price comparisons are everything. In real estate, as a matter of required practice, the real estate agent will not assign an Asking Price until, on paper, putting your house next to three other “comparables” in the neighborhood also on sale.

$8,442,254 = Fancamp’s market capitalization, including 50% of Koper Lake.
$9,500,000 = Bold and KWG spending to earn its 50% of the Koper Lake.

It gets even better. We’re not comparing two separate entities. One way or the other, the $9,500,000 will be going into Fancamp (because of our own 50% stake in Koper Lake). Consequentially, those millions of dollars will be adding that much additional value (more or less) to the $8,442,254 the (brain dead) markets currently value Fancamp (including our 50% of Koper Lake) at the moment.

To break it down, as I said in my earlier message, Fancamp will receive $1,500,000 in “option payments” in less than a year’s time (7 May 2015). On top of that, by the same deadline, Bold and KWG are contractually obligated to spend $8,000,000 on the Project (or their 50% will be forfeited). So far, everything is moving forward on schedule. As of April this year, Bold and KWG have already spent $3,185,000 “on exploration” and have already “made a NI 43-101 compliant grade and tonnage estimate.” In other words, it’s unlikely Bold would walk away from its promising Flagship Project before May 2015.

Besides Fancamp receiving $1,500,000 in “option payments,” keep in mind the $8,000,000 being spent “on exploration” will not be disappearing into thin air. It will enhance the value of the Koper Lake Project. Obviously, successfully explored and well-defined mineral resources are valued higher than unexplored and undefined mineral resources.
Make no mistake about it, the $8,000,000 enhanced value (more or less) being generated by Bold and KWG will benefit our 50% side of the equation (at no expense to us) just the same as it will benefit the other 50% side of the equation, controlled by Bold and KWG.

I almost forgot to say something. Even though Fancamp itself, including our 50% share of Koper Lake, is not being valued as high as the other 50% of Koper Lake by itself, keep in mind, some people stubbornly hold on to belief that Fancamp’s assets and other properties—even without Koper Lake!!—may be worth something.

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