Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Questions

Hello MaCloud.

I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments regarding the “absurdity” of our Head Office being in “the residential area of Vancouver.” There’s hardly any need for more evidence of how ridiculous it is, being so far away. But here it is anyway. First, take another look at Fancamp’s recent Presentation.


Next, go to page six. You will note, the whole page consists of a map containing all the locations of Fancamp’s many properties and holdings in Eastern Canada. There’s only one problem.

Question: How come Fancamp’s Head Office is not on the map?
Answer: It’s too far away. The map doesn’t go that far.

Also in your message, you mentioned that the insider ownership is a low three percent. So far as your question—“How important is this implication?”—my answer is, “It’s a mixed bag.

First, keep in mind, if things went to the extreme, in the other direction, we’d have absolute insider control. So far as I’m concerned, we have enough dictatorship already. Don’t get me wrong. In the general investment environment, one Shareholder’s complaint about a corporate dictatorship, is another Shareholder’s praise of great corporate leadership. The trouble is, Our Great Sovereign’s lack of concern over our share price puts me in the anti-dictatorship camp, so far as how things stand today at Fancamp.

Putting aside the question of someone having the controlling interest (to the detriment of retail Shareholders)—in so far as three percent being somewhat low—I would point out three things:

#1) Important parts of Fancamp are the shares and NSRs and other financial interests we have in our Partner Companies, all of which have high insider ownerships, with even further substantial recent buying (as has been repeatedly pointed out by Luker).

#2) I consider Champion an insider, being that they appoint two members of our Board of Directors (so long as Champion holds 12 million Fancamp shares). The bond is even tighter being Fancamp appoints two members of the Champion Board of Directors (so long as Fancamp holds 10 million Champion shares). Presently, Champion (the quintessential insider) holds 22,000,000 Fancamp shares out of 138,909,236 (or 15.84%). According to the Champion Annual Report of 31 March 2014, Champion Directors and Executives (who name two members of Fancamp’s Board of Directors) held 14,708,636 Champion shares (worth $3,824,245 at today’s close, which compares favorably with Fancamp’s $6,945,462 market cap at the close today).

#3) Moreover, apparently, our whole Board of Directors is beginning to stock up now (again, as has been noted by Luker). To back up my mildly positive read on the subject, also note, the buying has been honest-to-goodness buying in the open market. When the money comes out of your own bank account, that does count for something. It has not been some kind of sleight-of-hand, such as converting options given as compensation.

Of course, that wouldn’t work anyway, due to our price only going down. But that’s another story.

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