Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Argex Up 6 Cents Friday = 10.71 Percent

Hello Tony T.

I appreciate your contributions as well. So far as my last post, I also appreciate that your clairvoyance and patience has enabled you, apparently, to uncover the meaning of what I was trying to say. In my defense, trying to come up with future NSR statistics (with any degree of confidence and accuracy) is a daunting task.

However—while wondering how things will eventually play out—we should not get distracted from what’s plainly evident and not numbers-driven. True (corresponding to the future cash that will come rolling in for Fancamp’s NSR holdings) we cannot (at the present time) fill-in any number of dollars, known-in-advance, on our monthly deposit slips.

Yet we do know that our four main partner NSR companies (Champion, Argex, Lamêlée, and KWG) have mineral assets that have value and that value is not token value. One way or the other, some part of that substantial value will appear in the marketplace.

Even the market (such-as-it-is) will not continue to be so impervious that it will always deny reality. For eternity, it will not ignore the positive developments right in front of it.

Ignorance of our company will not last beyond the point the tangible future inevitabilities of Fancamp and the tangible future inevitabilities of Fancamp’s partner companies become unstoppable. Moreover, that point in time will be long before the ships are loaded and on route to their final destinations.

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