Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: An Off-Take Partner Will Join The Fancamp-KWG-Bold Trio?

I just noticed the following post. I don’t know anything about the guy who posted it, so naturally, I cannot vouch for his reliability.

However, apparently, he’s on top of a couple of what-have-been mysteries to me, regarding the hang-up at KWG. For starters, his observations make good sense in regards to the nature of what KWG and Bold are negotiating and what needs to be resolved between them.


Also “johnale” (the Poster) brings up an important subject, which makes me wonder. Does Fancamp really have to insist on KWG spending every last dollar of the exploration expenses as specified in our agreement with them? The justification for KWG being released from that would be the “offtake agreements for stainless steele [sic] and ferrochrome production” with “two companies” that KWG (apparently) is in the midst of negotiating.

Should KWG verify for Fancamp that a deal is at hand, that’s better than drilling just for the sake of drilling. A serious off-take agreement is a better signal that progress is being made. Plus, that in of itself is confirmation of the success of the exploration work already completed.

That’s my read on what “johnale” has to say. However, I’m far from informed in any other way; and I’m far from on top of the goings on. Does anyone else know more or know better?

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