Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: First Ever Conviction Under the 1996 USA Espionage Act

Who was the recipient of the stolen industrial secrets in first ever conviction under the 1996 USA (Industrial) Espionage Act?

Our friends at Pangang Group (who were not indicted). That ends all the questions I can answer.



According to the Fortune Magazine reporting, Walter Liew, besides getting “
15 years in prison for stealing trade secrets from chemical giant DuPont,” his “sentence also includes a $28 million fine to cover the amount Liew and his company, USA Performance Technology, received from Pangang.”

Questions I cannot answer:

Question 1) Compared to the $28 million payment Walter Liew received for the Titanium Dioxide Technology that he supplied to Pangang Group, how much will our negotiated payment be for the three-times-proven (by SGS and CORUM) proprietary Titanium Dioxide technology that we perfected and handed over to Pangang Group?

Question 2) Being that Argex’s Titanium Dioxide Technology is purported to be so superior to everybody else’s (according to “the research updates” of Pope & Company and Stormcrow Capital), how much are DuPont and Pangang and the other players in the industry going to pay Argex for a piece of the action?

Question 3) Being that Argex is purported to be so far ahead of DuPont and Pangang and SGS and all the other industrial giants of the world (according to “the research updates” of Pope & Company and Stormcrow Capital), how come it’s taking years for Argex to announce anything about the financing of their grand production project?

Question 4) Being that Argex’s property and NSR portfolios are miniscule compared to those of Fancamp, is the difference in the scientific merit between the two companies’ Titanium Dioxide Technology measure up to the $70 million difference (76 vs 6) in their respective market capitalizations?

$76,354,858 = Argex Market Capitalization
$6,250,916 = Fancamp Market Capitalization

Tony T (on this Message Hub) observed (on Wednesday) that RGX “MIGHT be blowing smoke” but “at least the stock is moving (12 cents in two days) unlike FNC.” I agree. His sentiments are my sentiments.

$14,287,892 = The Value (in Market Cap) of Argex’s Two Day 12 Cents Move Up
$6,250,916 = Fancamp’s Entire Market Capitalization

If Argex can achieve such a move (based on faith—true or not true—in their new technology) perhaps there’s greater moves in store for us (based on hard evidence) in the future. The difference in our respective present market visibilities is, on one hand, caused by Argex’s persistent and continuing dedication to getting its story out.

Compare that to our doing nothing beyond issuing press releases (which are only read by loyal followers). Compound that by the hundreds of millions of shares that we sold into tax-sheltered “Blind Pools,” which were dumped (by rote) on their expiration dates, in years and months past.

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