Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Tick Tock goes the KWG Clock


"KWG has until Sept. 30, 2015, to expend an additional $2.2-million in exploration work on the claims in order to earn Bold's 50-per-cent interest in the Koper Lake project, of which KWG will hold 80 per cent of Bold's chromite interests and 20 per cent of Bold's interest in all other metals. Should KWG not proceed to make the $2.2-million of expenditures by Sept. 30, 2015, Bold has until March, 2016, to make those expenditures or the balance of any unexpended portion of the $2.2-million in order to earn the first 50-per-cent interest in the property. Bold is operator of the Koper Lake project."

Comment: So do we get more shares of KWG or are they actually going to pony up the money this time. I should think that since Frank has been so quiet lately that he has something up his sleeve to cover this option. If this falls further onto Bold's shoulders we can almost gaurantee that this claim will be back in our hands after March 2016. Not that I think this is going to happen. Frank has no doubt been persistently knocking at Noront's door over the past year to settle any legal matters, and at the same time talk JV; do or die if they don't scenario. No news about KWG's patent process makes me worry, since KWG fully diluted brings them to 1 billion plus shares and rising. If we take shares the simple math says we get 110 million, which together with the other tens of millions of shares we have gives us approx. 13-14 % ownership in KWG; if I am correct. The most immediate question is can we afford to now wait for them to appreciate in value based solely on the value of their patent pending chromite reduction process, or do we take the money to help establish our own proprietary hydrometallurgical process, and look to advancing our own claims?

Part of me says, as usual, we will stay the course and allow everyone else to continue to make our money, for we are in no position right now to make it ourselves, or continue advancing our claims any further. We can only take things for what they are right now and gamble that KWG makes progress with Noront. Peter Smith being a gambling man will take the KWG shares; like he did the last time. He will allow Frank to knock at our door, the same as Noront, and listen his pitch telling us how we should continue to trust that KWG knows what they are doing, and that their patent process is coming along smoothly. In the back of his mind though, Peter will not be worried because he knows that he has his own process to rely on. So he will accept things at face value and take the KWG dice and roll them. Knowing that KWG may not takeoff now, but that if the ROF should get the thumbs up before Oct. 19 that Fancamp will be sitting pretty; eventually. Magpie is still far away in his mind, but the processes and patents being established by both KWG and Fancamp he knows are not. This is where our true wealth lies for now. We might as well gamble on it; AIMHO.


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