Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Fearless (Clueless) Leader

Dear Fani

Ah yes, frustration abounds...has since the collapse of the nickel dream in 2008.  Yet the posts keep coming, the Smith bashing continues; and why?  Over at HPQ...crickets!  Even though their CEO gladly goes in front of the camera for Agoracom whenever George wants him to, and he is remarkably forthcoming with a great narrative...industry changing technology coming in a year or so, gold, etc.  I'm guessing a shrink would say it's a witch's brew of hope and resentment here at FNC.

A couple of things about Peter, he is, first and foremost, a geologist and he is having a grand time doing what he loves best.  He just wants to harvest a nice fat basket of fruit from the tree he has nurtured over the years and the last thing that he wants is to cut it down, no matter how much it would benefit his shareholders (whom he greatly resents for trying to oust him in favor of Granger). So I wouldn't expect anything but status quo out of Peter, Deb, Fouad as long as they can pick the golden apples unopposed.

Where is Peter now you ask.  Probably not the UK, this time of year he usually drives to Cape Cod to shop for antiques...gotta spend them apples on something.

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