Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Some Fancamp C1, nickel history

FANCAMP DISCOVERS NICKEL BEARING SULPHIDES ON ITS C-1 TARGET 600 METRES SOUTHEAST OF EAGLE ONE. October 21, 2008 TSX Trading Symbol: FNC S.E.C. Exemption: 12(g)3-2(b) The Company wishes to report the results, just received, of assays taken from a series of 1.5 metre test samples, at ten metre intervals, in Holes 1 and 2 (28 samples in Hole 1, 18 samples in Hole 2) drilled on the Company’s C-1 target at McFauld’s Lake.

The “one metre of granular semi massive pyrite” previously reported in Hole 2 (10/09/08 News Release) assayed 3.52% Ni, 0.17% Cu, 2.7g Pd and 233 ppb Pt over 0.9 metres, from 44.1 metres to 45.0 metres in the hole. This occurrence, given its location, is highly significant, representing as it might, the edge of a larger sulphide zone at depth. The intersection lies approximately in the middle of a one hundred metre length in the hole from surface which is characterized by extensive faulting, strong hydrothermal alteration including development of hematite, chlorite and serpentinite. The zone is believed to be steeply dipping and lies about 100 metres to the east of the original VTEM “conductive corridor target” tested in the current drill programme. Not surprisingly, the first one hundred metres in the overlying Hole 1 displays similar structure and alteration, although no significant sulphide was seen. A further difference can be seen in the silver content, which in the ten test samples of the Hole 2 interval, lies in the 1- 6 g/t range, as opposed to sub detection levels (mainly less than 0.3 g/t) in the nine test samples from the Hole 1 interval some twenty metres above. This contrast reinforces the idea that we are looking at the top of a hydrothermal system which includes massive nickel bearing sulphides. The balance of the total 46 test samples received to date show only background values for nickel in the 0.1% – 0.2 % range, and geochemically anomalous copper and PGM values in the .01% - .02% Cu, 2- 13 ppb Au, 50-200 ppb Pd, 30-90 ppb Pt ranges. To date, six holes have been completed on the target for a total of 2400 metres as shown on the accompanying map, together with the completion of NOT Hole 40 for about 45 metres into the Company’s ground. No massive sulphides apart from that reported have been seen, although thin hairline seams of serpentinite in peridotite are often seen to carry weakly disseminated millerite - a nickel rich sulphide. Faulting and alteration zones are common.

The Noront Hole 40, which enters Fancamp’s ground at 690 metres in the hole, at a depth of 570 metres, shows numerous massive chromite layers interspersed with pyroxenite and peridotite, and ranging in thickness from fractions of a meter to seven metres, scattered through a 90.9 metre wide section between 632.7 and 723.6 metres in the hole. The massive seven metre thick chromite zone occurs at the bottom of the section. Peridotite containing 5-10% fine grained sulphide, possibly niccolite, a nickel rich arsenide, occurs in the 10.5 metre interval between 723.6 and the end of the hole at 734.1 metres. This section of course has been sampled throughout its length.

Unfortunately the hole was stopped by Noront for technical reasons. Assays from about 200 test samples taken at ten metre intervals in Holes 3, 4, 5 and 6 are pending, as are the samples from Hole 40. The C-1 target itself is bounded on its east and west side by the basement granodiorite and represents a large part of the Eagle One intrusive complex. Hole 7 has been drilled on the C-6 target, for a total of 381 metres, all of which is in peridotite. No massive sulphides were seen but test samples have been taken at ten metre intervals for assay. The significance of this target is its position in a major north south fracture. It could, like Eagle One and Eagle Two, represent a conduit or feeder zone. The drill is currently being moved back to the C-1 target to follow up the discovery in Hole 2, and the potentially important results in the extension of NOT 40 which was stopped in mineralization. Billiken Management Services Inc. is providing all services at the McFaulds site. All samples were submitted to Actlabs at Thunder Bay. Samples were selected in the field by the site geologist Roger Fitzgerald, overseen by Dr. Howard Lahti P.Geo. The project geologist selected sample intervals to be relatively homogeneous while respecting geological boundaries. The standard interval is 1.5 m although individual samples ranged from 0.2 to 2.5 m, the longer samples being taken over poorly mineralized section of the hanging and footwalls. The geologist placed a “cut” line along each interval to minimize bias by ensuring that exactly half of the core was taken for analysis. All mineralized material [sulphides] was sampled. In addition, the hanging and footwalls were sampled to support mapping of alteration and metal anomalies. One half of the sample is retained at base camp and the other half sealed and sent to Actlabs, Thunder Bay. All samples submitted to Actlabs were analyzed using four acid digestion followed by multi-element analysis ICP-40B. The samples that received values greater than the maximum limit using the multi-element analysis underwent fire assay and ICP-90Q for nickel. This release was prepared by Peter H.Smith PhD, P.Eng., the Company’s qualified person on the McFauld’s project. 




November 3, 2008 TSX Trading Symbol: FNC S.E.C. Exemption: 12(g)3-2(b) Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (TSX Venture Exchange - FNC): Drilling is to begin on the very large C-5 target in the north portion of the property. This structurally complex magnetic feature, about one mile long and a third of a mile wide, lies on the SE edge of the pre-McFauld’s greenstone belt granitic basement, and could well conceal sulphide rich peridotite feeder zones of the Eagle One and Eagle Two type.

The Company also wishes to report completion of the first phase of the C-1 Target drilling. The high-grade nickel mineralization seen over a narrow width in Hole No.2, was intersected again in Hole No.10 where massive sulphides were seen over very narrow widths again within a zone of less than a metre, some eight metres down dip of the original intersection at a vertical depth of about 40 metres. The local dip appears to be about 40 degrees to the west and, Holes 8 and 9, drilled at 45 degrees and 55 degrees respectively to the west (east of the No.1,2 collars) on the assumption the zone was near vertical, appear to have undercut it. This mineralized zone, small though it appears, is open down dip and along strike. The nickel mineralization occurs close to the eastern granite contact of C-1. Geophysics suggests that this contact is highly irregular in a vertical sense, with granite “overhangs” and vertical walls at depth. Deep penetration TDEM suggests the existence of strong conductivity near this contact at depths on the order of 400-500 metres. These zones are obvious drill targets and will be further tested by detailed gravity surveys scheduled to begin following freeze up a few weeks hence.

This release was prepared by Peter H.Smith PhD, P.Eng., the Company’s qualified person on the McFauld’s project


May 26, 2010 10:36 ET

Fancamp Exploration Update

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 26, 2010) - Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FNC): Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (the "Company") wishes to announce that drilling is scheduled to restart on the McFaulds property on about June 8, 2010, with deep holes on the C-1 and C-6 targets as first priority. The Company is also looking at chromite targets, as Noront's Blackbird deposits strike northeastward into Fancamp's ground.



August 18, 2010 TSX Trading Symbol: FNC S.E.C. Exemption: 12(g)3-2(b) Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (TSX Venture Exchange - FNC): A second phase of exploration drilling, and borehole and surface EM geophysical surveys began on the McFauld’s Lake Property in mid April, 2010 as follow up to the initial programme completed in the Fall of 2008. A total of 4,365 meters of drilling was done in this period, together with five down-hole EM surveys and one small surface EM survey. The field work was completed on July 7, 2010 and to date a grand total of 33 holes have been drilled on the Fancamp property (a very low density of coverage compared to our immediate neighbours). Map 1, a general geological map showing principal hole locations, represents a schematic geological interpretation The programme was designed to test five priority targets, C-1, C-6 for Ni PGM; C-2 for VMS; C-3 and C-5 for chromite. Drilling on the C-1 peridotite intrusive was initially focused on its eastern contact, targeting the shallow mineralization reported in holes FN 08-02 and FN 08-10 (3.52% Ni/0.9 metres and 2.4% Ni/1.2 metres). The most significant intersection in this series of shallow holes was in FN 10-01, 100 metres to the south, which encountered 0.73% Ni, 0.22% Cu, 830 pbb Pd and 225 ppb Pt/ 1.4 metres at a depth of 60 metres. Hole FN 08-03, in the central part of the C-1 target was deepened, from 486 metres to 603 metres (the 560 metre level) to intersect the eastern peridotite/granodiorite contact. Results from the downhole geophysics indicated no significant offhole conductor at the bottom of the hole, which translated would mean no significant conductor down to about the 660 metre level. Hole FN 10-19 located 100 metres north of FN 08- 03 (and 120 metres south of the Noront boundary) was drilled at 85 degrees to the northeast to a depth of 729 metres, having passed into the granodiorite at a depth of 675 metres in the hole. Downhole geophysics was carried out in this hole but to a depth of only 669 metres, due to a blockage. A number of weak offhole conductors were noted at shallower depths but the most interesting result is a subtle build up toward the hole bottom suggesting a conductor at depth to the south. This is potentially very significant and hole deepening and additional downhole surveys are certainly warranted. Management has concluded, based on the results seen in the hole FN-10-19 (a westward shift in the eastern peridotite/granodiorite contact) that the northern portion of the C-1 target is displaced in a left lateral sense along probable NW/SE fault structures. Indeed, ground magnetics in the area suggest that the isolated Eagle 1 structure itself could be a left lateral offset of the C-1 target, a displacement of about 350 metres. This model is potentially a useful exploration tool because it implies a very much closer connection between Eagle 1 and C-1. Eagle I lies in the lower portion of an intrusive ultrabasic conduit (its present western side) and the same geometry could apply to C-1. At present little is known of this sector of the C-1 intrusion, “potentially the most important segment of the C-1 conduit itself” in the words of the Company's consultant John D. Harvey, P.Eng. In this interpretation, the eastern side of C-1, which has received most attention to date, represents the perhaps less prospective upper portion of the conduit with the high grade intersections possibly representing remobilized mineralization from an as yet unknown source. 


Fancamp to Resume McFauld’s Drilling

October 5, 2010 TSX Trading Symbol: FNC S.E.C. Exemption: 12(g)3-2(b) Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (TSX Venture Exchange - FNC): The Company is pleased to announce that drilling will resume on its McFauld’s Lake Property in mid-October with the intention of demonstrating that the Eagle One mineralized system is an extension of that to be found at depth on the Company’s C-1 target. An initial 3000 metres is planned, beginning with deepening of Hole FN-10-19 on the C-1 target. This near vertical hole, some 120 metres south of the Noront boundary, was drilled to a depth of 729 metres, and due to technical difficulties was tested by downhole geophysics only to a depth of 669 metres. Further downhole geophysics will evaluate the strong evidence of the beginnings of a large off hole conductor at this point and provide the Company with an indication of potential mineralization. An additional deep hole is planned in this vicinity as follow up. This drill programme is designed to test the working hypothesis that Eagle One is a faulted offset of C-1 in a left lateral displacement sense along major NW trending faults, and that the fragmentary high grade intersections seen in Holes FN-08-02 and FN-08-10 are, in this context, fault slivers of the Eagle One mineralization itself. (The original drill log of FN-08-02 describes the massive sulphide intersection as occurring “within a fault zone”.)



TSX Trading Symbol: FNC S.E.C. Exemption: 12(g)3-2(b) Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (TSX Venture Exchange - FNC): Fancamp Exploration Ltd., (“the Company”) wishes to report that drilling has begun on its 100% owned McFaulds Lake property. The 3,000 metre program is starting on the C2 VMS target and will be followed by deep drilling on the C1 Ni PGM target, which the company believes hosts Eagle 1 type massive sulphides at depth. This drill program is scheduled to be completed before Christmas. 


NEWS RELEASE FANCAMP DRILLING AT McFAULDS LAKE PROPERTY, RING OF FIRE, NORTHERN ONTARIO - UPDATE April 21, 2011 TSX Trading Symbol: FNC S.E.C. Exemption: 12(g)3-2(b) Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (TSX Venture Exchange – FNC) (the “Company”) announces it’s McFauld’s Lake drilling programme continues. Deep drilling has been focused on the C-1 target using the working hypothesis that Noront’s Eagles Nest deposit is a left lateral displacement from the C-1 ultrabasic intrusion itself along a NW trending fault system. For this reason Hole FN-10-25 has been drilled to depth (-80 degrees at 220 azimuth) in a SW direction to intercept this system. This hole has now been completed to a total depth of 1,082.3 metres, with the unexpected intersection of high grade chromite at a depth of 838.5 metres to 1048.3 metres down hole. The thickness, strike and dip of this chromite layer remain to be determined, as well as its extensions toward the surface, but the roughly 200 metres of vertical extent of this intersection along with an estimated average grade of 43.5% Cr2O3 and a chrome to iron ratio of 2.09 warrant further exploration. The grade and Cr/Fe ratio is comparable to figures published by KWG for the Big Daddy deposit next door. The average grade is based on 35 samples of 1 metre core sample length, taken at regular intervals of 6 metres throughout the entire 209.8m length of the intersection. Core angle measurements on contacts and rare layers within the chromite vary from 8 to 20 degrees and suggest that the drill hole followed the layer down, nearly parallel to its strike before crossing into altered, foliated, talc rich peridotite. The intersection corresponds to a strong, broad gravity anomaly which suggests that the chromite does occur closer to surface and may have a strike length of at least 300m. A Crone borehole EM survey is planned for this hole in mid- April followed by a third deep drill hole to continue to test the potential for massive nickel rich sulphides at depths below 600 metres. 


FANCAMP DRILLING AT McFAULDS LAKE PROPERTY, RING OF FIRE, NORTHERN ONTARIO – IMPORTANT NEW CHROMITE OCCURRENCE May 24, 2011 TSX Trading Symbol: FNC S.E.C. Exemption: 12(g)3-2(b) Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (TSX Venture Exchange – FNC) (the “Company”) announces results of continued drilling in the newly discovered chromite horizon, dubbed the BlackHorse occurrence, on its McFauld’s Lake property. As reported in April, drill hole FN-10-25 intercepted high grade chromite over a vertical extent of roughly 200m, at a depth of 838.5 metres to 1048.3 metres down hole. The average grade was 43.5% Cr2O3 and had a chrome to iron ratio of 2.09. This drill hole was collared with an azimuth of 220o and a dip of -80. The average grade was based on 35 samples of 1 metre core sample length, taken at regular intervals of 6 metres throughout the entire 209.8m length of the intersection. Indications were that the drill hole followed the layer down, nearly parallel to its strike before crossing into altered, foliated, talc rich peridotite. Subsequently, drill hole FN-10-26 was collared 250 metres to the southwest in a direction nearly perpendicular to hole FN-10-25, with an azimuth of 297o to 330o and a dip of -80, directed at the C-1 edge of the NW fault system along which Noront’s Eagle 1 deposit is believed to be offset. This hole intersected 56.6m of rhythmically layered massive chromite and peridotite (60% chromite , 40% peridotite), followed by 53.2m of massive chromite. This chromitite horizon extended from 710.7m – 820.5m down hole. Layering within the sequence and the corresponding strong gravity anomaly near surface indicate a steeply south-dipping chromitite horizon with an overall thickness estimated to be in the order of 40m. Assay results for drillhole FN-10-26 are expected in early June, and further drilling is planned to recommence on June 2nd to confirm the true thickness and strike extent of the chromite horizon toward the surface and along strike to the east. The BlackHorse occurrence is marked by a moderately strong gravity anomaly cut off to the west by a northwest trending fault structure but extending easterly a distance of approximately 1 km. Downhole geophysical results from holes FN-10- 25 and FN-10-26 are being analyzed in the search for conductive nickeliferous sulphides

July 27, 2011 TSX Trading Symbol: FNC S.E.C. Exemption: 12(g)3-2(b) Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (TSX Venture Exchange - FNC): The following is an update on the Company’s current exploration activities:

McFauld’s Lake, Ontario A total of 828 metres was drilled on the McFauld’s property in the June 3rd to 16th period. Further assay results are pending. The massive chromite layers previously reported do not extend to surface in the vicinity of the discovery holes, and further drilling along the NE strike will be required. Anomalous nickel values up to 1.16 % over 0.5 m have been recorded in reconnaissance sampling of a mineralized dunite extending from 891 m to the bottom of hole FN-10-26 at 1086 m, located on the northeast margin of the C-1 target, in the area which management believes marks the original position of Noront’s Eagle One Deposit, now offset in a left lateral sense some 400 m to the northwest. More complete sampling of this interval is being undertaken. Results to date confirm management’s belief in the continuing nickel and chromite resource potential of this property


McFauld's Lake The McFauld's Lake property in northern Ontario is being explored for nickel, PGM’s and chromite. This property is adjacent to Noront's Eagles’ Nest Ni, PGM deposit which the Company believes to be a deep level fault offset of its C-1 target. Extensive deep intersections of massive chromitite carrying grades comparable to other chromite discoveries in the immediate area have also been found by the Company in the vicinity of C-1. Currently Fancamp is still awaiting Ni, PGM assays for the last deep hole drilled on the C-1 target.


October 28, 2011

Nickeliferous sulphides and massive chromite at depth on McFauld’s C-1 target These results emphasize the prospectivity of this sector of the McFauld’s property which management believes is geologically and structurally associated with the massive nickeliferous sulphides of the Eagle’s Nest Deposit and the Blackbird Chromite Deposits on the immediately adjacent Noront Resources Inc. property. In 2011, holes FN-10-25 and 26 drilled to depths of 1082 metres and 1086 metres respectively, in the very eastern portion of the C-1 area, passed through the granodiorite and, at depths below 700m, through significant thicknesses of high grade chromite with peridotite which appear to overlie a lower dunite horizon. Hole FN-10-25 intersected over 200 metres of chromite with an estimated average grade of 43.5% Cr2O3, drilling down-dip, while hole FN-10-26, drilling across strike, intersected 56.6m of an interlayered sequence of peridotite and chromite with an estimated grade of 27.6% Cr2O3 followed by 53.2m of massive chromite with an estimated average grade of 43.7% Cr2O3. This newly discovered chromite horizon previously reported, has been dubbed the BlackHorse occurrence. The BlackHorse occurrence is partially coincident with a moderately strong gravity anomaly cut off to the west by a northwest trending fault structure but extending easterly a distance of approximately 1 km. This gravity anomaly may represent a gabbroic intrusion that occurs near surface which appears to mask the underlying chromite horizon. Within the lower dunite unit are elevated values of sulphides with anomalous nickel values. Hole FN-10-26 contained two important anomalous 0.5m samples. At 917.8 – 918.3m the sample contained 1.16% Ni with 674 ppm Cu and 2.4% S, and at 988.5 – 989.0m the sample contained 0.71% Ni and 2,670 ppb Pd with 1.02% S. Results from the down-hole geophysics in these holes are indicative of conductive material at some distance off-hole at these depths. The dunite horizon is considered to offer the best potential to host primary magmatic Ni, Cu and PGM bearing sulphides in this promising target zone.



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