Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Re: CIA
Mar 29, 2019 05:50AM
Apr 01, 2019 06:52PM
Apr 04, 2019 01:00AM
Apr 04, 2019 10:23AM
Apr 04, 2019 07:34PM
Apr 05, 2019 03:16PM
Apr 05, 2019 03:32PM
Apr 05, 2019 07:07PM
There is much debatable here, but under Peter Smith's watch Fancamp's current shares of Champion are now worth approximately $15 million. Some may argue that he sold the others too early, but this can only be known in retrospect. Those funds allowed the company to be able to pay bills and pursue other projects, without significantly diluting the shares outstanding. He should be given credit for a big investing win on Champion’s shares. How many of you have picked up shares for pennies only to be worth multi millions later??
I’ve been following for awhile and I don’t see how bashing Mr. Smith is helping anybody. You may not like his management style, but his accomplishments are vast and his investments smart. The Magpie holding for example is massive and it belongs to Fancamp. We picked it up way under value. Prospecting is ongoing, and the possibility of a making a lucrative find is always there. The Baie-Commeau project is a new massive project and we are a part of it. Fancamp may seem boring, but it’s not. There is a lot of neat stuff going on.
No wonder FNC is a light trader with many of you bashing the company all the time. At the end of the day, Fancamp’s holdings are worth billions of dollars. Our market cap is 14.6 million. How many billion dollar companies do you know of that you can buy for 14.6 million?? I rest easy with this value play. One of these days the market will wake up to the true worth of Fancamp.


Apr 08, 2019 09:01AM
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