Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Edge Exploration/Fancamp JV Info including pics of Gold Nuggets



Edge Exploration Inc profile & exploration results to 10Sept2019 

  1. 1. EDGE EXPLORATION INC. - a new mineral venture development company - Dallas Davis, P.Eng., FEC President September 10, 2019 1
  2. 2. DISCLAIMER This presentation on behalf of Edge Exploration Inc. (“EDGE”) is not intended to meet specific individual or corporate investment needs and it is not tailored to personal or corporate financial situations. Although the author, Dallas Davis, owns common shares of EDGE, nothing contained herein constitutes, is intended, or deemed to be investment advice, either implied or otherwise, nor is it a substitute for independent professional advice before making any investment decisions. The content of this presentation reflects both historic and current technical data sources, personal interpretations, views and opinions, and, that is all it purports to be. The data, information and interpretations herein are presented in good faith and believed to be reasonable, accurate and reliable, but it is not guaranteed or implied that this is so. Neither EDGE nor the author accepts any legal responsibility or any liability, whatsoever, for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from the use of the data, information and interpretations in this presentation. Opinions and interpretations are data, time and market sensitive. Furthermore, you may not modify or reproduce in any form, electronic or otherwise, any information in this presentation, except for personal use unless you have obtained express permission from an officer of EDGE. 2
  3. 3. WHY INVEST IN EDGE EXPLORATION INC. • 75 years Canadian and international experience in exploration, mining and strategic planning for both industry and governments • Track record of creativity, discovery and social responsibility • Efficient, low cost, risk averse and focused on growth commodities • Gold-Rare Earth & Gold-Antimony drill targets on 20,400 acres of claims • Initial focus is New Brunswick with top 10 Fraser Institute policy rating • $90,000 funding in 2019 by Fancamp Exploration Ltd. on one property • 50-50 JV with Fancamp on another property & on a concept targeting • Additional concepts and targets for JV and earn-in are in the works • Stock exchange listing when it is the will of shareholders 3
  4. 4. FANCAMP EXPLORATION LTD Joint Venture participant & Mactaquac Gold-REE-Antimony option • Canadian junior mineral exploration company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (symbol “FNC”) • working capital of approximately $13.5 million • exceptional inventory of resource properties in Quebec (QC), Ontario (ON) and New Brunswick (NB): • NI 43-101 compliant resources • ON - Koper Lake/Black Horse Chromium Deposit (50 %) • QC - Lamelee South Iron Deposit & The Magpie Iron-Titanium-Chromium-Vanadium Deposit (100%) • Greenfields exploration • NB - EDGE Mactaquac option & 50-50 JV plus optioned gold & VMS prospects of other parties • ON - three large properties in the Abitibi region • QC - several gold & copper properties in the Appalachians and an REE property in the Grenville • Commercialization of The Magpie deposit through an “industrial synergy route”, with licensable technology research being driven by practical industry end user input and validation. 4
  6. 6. EDGE EXPLORATION INC. • A principal-business corporation (PBC) incorporated 28 March 2019 under the New Brunswick Business Corporations Act and restricted to exploring for minerals and mining. • Operations office in Unit 4, Upper Village Mall, 2306 Route 3, Harvey, NB E6K 1P2 Telephone: 506-449-2665 • E-mails: dallas.davis@edgexploration.com alex.kramer@edgexploration.com adrian.davis@edgexploration.com • web site: http://www.edgexploration.com (under development). 6
  7. 7. EDGE Share Structure and Founder Holdings • 5,000,000 common shares available for purchase by maximum of 50 accredited investors who may choose either non-flow-through or flow-through shares or both (see https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/mining-materials/taxation/8874 ) • Non-Flow-Through priced at $0.10/share include warrant to purchase an additional share at $0.15 within 2 years • Flow-Through shares priced at $0.15/share without a warrant • 350,000 shares issued to each of EDGE founders, Dallas Davis & Alex Kramer • 300,000 shares as stock options exercisable at $0.10/share within 2 years • 6,000,000 total shares outstanding if issue fully subscribed and options exercised, but excluding exercise of unknown number of warrants 7
  8. 8. OPERATING PLAN • Select and explore properties using leading edge knowledge & technology • Be a creative, realistic & reliable venture initiator and operator • Focus on growth commodities, both traditional and emerging • Set high standard of safety, environmental and social responsibility • Minimize risk by exploring multiple sites and partnering at an early stage • Negotiate earn-in option agreements with tight time lines, equity vested only after earning 50%, buy back provision on default thereafter and royalty with advance payments beyond a targeted production date 8
  9. 9. THE EDGE PEOPLE Dallas Davis, P. Eng., FEC, President, Founder and Director • Geologist, BSc - University of New Brunswick; MA - The Johns Hopkins U • 50 plus years of experience that includes mine and exploration geology, project management and public policy development • Foreign assignments in 26 countries since 1981 as president of own consulting company, Dalmin Corporation • Discovered satellite deposit that added 8 years to 10,000 tpd Fe-Cu mine • Recommended manganese mine investment that was returned in 6 months • Stimulated diamond exploration in Quebec with year 2000 recovery in Torngat Mountains of the first gem quality diamond to be cut and which was displayed in Quebec City museum (client, Twin Mining Corp. was named Quebec Prospector of the Year) • Played a leading role in New Brunswick potash development • Director of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, 1970-73 9
  10. 10. THE EDGE PEOPLE Alex Kramer, Prospector, Corporate Secretary, Founder and Director • NB Community College diesel mechanic, drone operator licence, contract aerial photography & aspires to do airborne exploration surveys • Discovered gold and became a committed prospector two years ago at age 23 by panning in a stream near his parent’s New Brunswick home • Skilled in applying GIS programs to integrate magnetic, radiometric, geochemical and topographic data for identifying bedrock targets • Kazakhstan native who immigrated to Canada after period in Israel • Russian and Hebrew language skills • Entrepreneurial 10
  11. 11. THE EDGE PEOPLE Adrian Davis, P. Geo., Senior Exploration Geologist • BSc geology, Acadia, & Geotechnical Engineering Technology graduate, Sir Sandford Fleming • 20 years experience including field supervision of exploration, geotechnical investigations and monitoring, grade/quality control, mapping and resource/reserve estimations at open pit and underground mines in Thompson (nickel, Inco/Vale), at Cardinal River geologically complex metallurgical coal operation (Teck), at thermal coal operations near Edmonton, and, at diamond exploration projects on Baffin Island and in the Torngat Mountains of Quebec. • Strong record though communication and action in developing and implementing safe work plans and projects that are environmentally and socially responsible • Skilled in critical interpretation as at Teck’s Cardinal River operation where a costly new mine development otherwise could have proceeded on the basis of insufficient historic drilling for reliable mine planning • Experienced in applying various softwares including Vulcan, Datamine, Minesite, Autocad, ArcGIS, Gemcom, Excel and Word for map building, interpretation, data collection, integrating, data processing, analysis, modelling, and reserve/resource calculations. • Experienced in RFP design, invitations, selection and oversight 11
  12. 12. THE EDGE PEOPLE Barry O’Donnell, CPA, CGA and Director • Has operated O’Donnell & Company PC, Certified General Accountants, since 1991 • Thirteen years in systems development and management with NB government • President and CEO of a number of businesses including Black Diamond Financial Corporation, Connect North America Corporation and Canyata Properties Ltd. 12
  13. 13. MINERAL PROPERTIES Two groups of mineral claim units have been acquired by or on behalf of Edge Exploration Inc. and have no reported historic drilling of bedrock • Mactaquac: 3,430 hectare (ha) claim group encompassing a panned gold discovery of Edge co-founder Alex Kramer as well as the interpreted bedrock source • 2018 - gold & rare earth (REE) soil geochemistry anomaly over N-S distance of 1.2 km surveyed and where 1988 soil survey reported 405 ppb gold (ref: Report of Work 473638, 1989). • 2019 - 139 soil sample results received to date out of 395 samples submitted to SGS for analysis by Mobile Metal Ion (MMI) protocol revealing 3 new anomalies for trenching and drilling this fall • 148 gold & 52 antimony; 6 gold & 1,052 antimony; 10 gold & 269 antimony - values are number of times background • Fredericksburg-North Tay: 4,818 ha claim group encompassing anomalous gold and antimony in soil over 2.6 km N-S survey area (reference: Report of Work 477625, 2014) • 23 samples out of 310 samples in survey exceeded 35 ppb gold • highest values were 100 and 112 ppb gold 13
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  15. 15. EXPLORATION UNDERWAY AND PLANNED IN 2019 Mactaquac • Planned soil geochemistry survey sampling completed • 395 samples shipped to SGS for MMI proprietary leach & ICP-MS analysis • 139 laboratory results received with three new gold and antimony anomalous sites identified • trenching and drilling to test bedrock sources of soil gold, antimony, rare earths and multi-element anomalies 15
  16. 16. EXPLORATION UNDERWAY AND PLANNED IN 2019 Fredericksburg-North Tay • MMI soil geochemistry to map bedrock and define drill targets along lines of and between widely spaced survey lines of the 2013 soil survey • prospecting, panning and geology mapping on and adjacent to the Fredericksburg-North Tay claims 16
  17. 17. Identification of prospects for claim acquisition, optioning or joint venture • researching literature, government maps, historic Reports of Work • field checking of possible opportunities • networking 17
  18. 18. OPTION AND JOINT VENTURE ARRANGEMENTS Mactaquac claims & 5 km radius • On 27 June 2019, Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (“Fancamp”) announced “the acquisition of an option to acquire a 100% interest” http://www.fancampexplorationltd.ca/pages/news_items/nr_062719 • Year 1 : $15,000 initial payment plus $75,000 toward drilling & other agreed exploration activities conducted/managed by EDGE in years 1 through 3 • Interest earned and vested: • Years 1-3 : 50% if has spent $300,000, otherwise earns 0% • Years 4-5 : 75% if spends $1,000,000 & issues 750,000 shares • Years 6-8 : 100% on completing feasibility study CIM/NI 43-101 compliant • Provision for EDGE to buy back or earn-in subject to certain conditions • 2% NSR royalty granted to EDGE on Fancamp earning 100%, with Fancamp having buy back option on 1% for $1,000,000 prior to construction • Advance royalty of $100,000 semi-annually payable if mine construction does not proceed within 5 years of the last approval issued by governments 18
  19. 19. OPTION AND JOINT VENTURE ARRANGEMENTS Fredericksburg & Other Agreed NB Claims EDGE and Fancamp are sharing exploration costs and benefits on a 50-50 basis 19
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  35. 35. Legal, Banking and Accounting 35 • Cox & Palmer - https://coxandpalmerlaw.com • EDGE is grateful for general advice from, and consultation with, Christian Thatcher, legal counsel at Franco-Nevada Corporation LEGAL COUNSEL • O’Donnell & Company PC ACCOUNTING • Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) BANK
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