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Message: Complaint to AG

Thumbs up HayzToo for a good post and encapsulating a few of the issues going on at CUU and probably other boards.

Did you ever get a response from Agora?

I see now our Hub Leader Webgogs is ridiculing the entire board and even posted that he is trying to discredit the CUU board and Agora:

He's even set up a blog and has a few more shots for Agora and the CUU board. This is not the kind of behavior for a Hub Leader:

"Stockhouse is just full of Bashers. Agoracom is full of pumpers.

Recently at Agoracom:
Critical thinking is not allowed. Moderators and their friends: Golfyeti, Propetl, Nadir, CBew, Firestarter, DC14, Stockfriend, Hazytoo and several others are deleting posts to deprive readers of intelligent posts. And god forbid you try defend yourself from insulting posts should you say anything they veiw as negative.
By hijacking the forum with this little circle jerk of people they can control what you read."....
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