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Message: Re: Complaint to AG

Haha, I actually got a mention! Look at me Ma, I'm famous :). I'm not too worried about WG's comments against me (and thankfully no threats from him have come my way). He is obviously retaliating out of an insecurity that drives his need to look like the smartest investor on the forum, and it is kind of funny to watch it play out like that. He reminds me of the schoolyard bullies back in elementary school. They were always so high on life when everyone stood behind their activites, but they were the first to start pouting and crying when someone stopped them and said "hey, maybe you shouldn't be doing that." It's odd that he lumped me into the group because he and I have only had one back/forth over the waggle site, and even that was just me asking him if that was "his group" that he always refers to. I can't imagine that was the grudge he is holding against me (it's just too small an issue), so I am left to conclude that his current grudge against me is because of my post here last week that suggested he should be demoted along with the others that are openly fighitng on the forum. We should all note that I never once said in last week's message that he should stop posting his "oh so intelligent" diatribes. I just suggested that he be held to the same standards as everyone else.

My major disappointment is with the way the AG Leaders have done nothing to quell him. I tried last week by posting my recommendations as a "Question to Agoracom," and they never responded at all. They didn't even send a PM to say "hey, we saw your Question, and we disagree."

What they have done, however, is demote another Hub Leader at CUU for arguing with Webgogs, but, again, they failed to also demote Webgogs. It's starting to look like some seriously slanted favortism, but I hold out that maybe they (the AG leaders) are just very busy. I don't understand why they keep demoting HLs without giving ANY feedback to the demoted as to why. Unless of course they have since given Cbew and/or YN a PM to notify them as to why they lose while WG retains his position.

I followed the links you just posted, and I'm disappointed further by AG demoting others while allowing WG to retain his position as HubLeader even while WG is actively defaming the AG boards in a separate public forum.

The strongest organizations in the world are built one customer at a time, and they fall the same way... by losing one customer at a time.

AG is losing some posters by allowing one poster to spew his vitriol seemingly at will, and it would seem he is entirely unopposed by AG Leadership. This whole fiasco makes little sense to me, and AG is saying nothing at all to describe their position. Hey, I get it. The site belongs to them, and ultimately they get to do whatever they want... even if what they want is to allow someone like WebGogs to ruin the site for all others.

While the subject title is seen as a reply, I am posting this in a new message as a Question to AG in the hopes that they will step in and say something... *anything* about what is happening here. Unfortunately, I am now concerned that my suggestions from last week's posting will get watered down and disregarded as the situation moves away from a discussion of recommendations to a discussion of "what to do with WG." That's also disappointing because I suspect I had some fairly decent recommendations, and it would be sad if they just get swept under the rug of obscurity.


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