for quite awhile longer before we see any kind of uptrend. With the markets aside, and all the positive potential this company has we are simply at the will of the MM's. I had hoped to see something this past week or two regarding more sample results. Now we have the completed first tranche but there will probably be a secound and at what price? We will sit around this range until all this passes. Not what I had hoped for heading into mid-May then the summer months. Agreed we have a successful drill plan underway those drill results are at best 6-8 weeks away. FWIW, I am still holding although .28 should have been an exit. I honestly do not know if CMM is any better as far as buying more of one or the other at these prices. I simply said to myself I would not fall into the NOT dilema of averaging down and down and down...etc.
Sorry to sound pesimistic I hope I am wrong. I will be the first to admit it if we turn up next week I hope Bratty is right and .25 is around the corner next week.
Regards Jay