Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: AGM for June 3

Just a quick post.

I read over the annual statements that came in the mail for the meeting on June 3rd.

Found the letter from Frank and update to be quite interesting. As I've only been invested in GNH since the beginning of this year I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I really think they have changed their tune about the 'potential' here, in a good way.

The update clearly states that they are working at uncovering something of significant value. I never heard anything like this in the past and they have come out with some fairly bold statements about the potential size of this deposit and the quality of their claims.

I don't have the document in front of me so I can't reference it - but is explaining all of the things that I had considered taboo on the site visit because they were not yet comfortable yet in explaining this publicly. Obviously they are feeling much more confident in their hypothesis.

There's a few minor issues to vote on, none of which I consider to be an issue. Frank is actually proposing to reduce the amount of options that can given out in a year from 20% down to 10%. More 'housecleaning' as he would call it.

Also noticed that Bob Stocks is being proposed as a new BOD member. I met Bob briefly at the PDAC meeting. Foremost, he was a really amazing guy to meet in person. Certainly a higher vintage, with a world of experience, he acted much younger and is as sharp as a tack. Assuming he's a senior partner as Faskens. Down to earth, and about as nice a guy as they come - although I'm sure he has another side to be as successful a lawyer as he is. More importantly, Bob is a huge addition to this team. If memory serves, Bob himself has served on many boards and GNH would probably sit at the bottom in terms of market cap. Having Bob aboard will pave a beautiful path for bringing on other distinguished BOD members.

I'm going to try to make the meeting, and will perhaps see some of you there? I always get so much more when I can meet people in person, so this is a good opportunity. I'll be sure to share my experience here if I make it (85%).

There were a few things I wanted to reference from the annual report, but it's tucked away where the wife is sleeping - perhaps another time this week - there is some really good stuff in there!


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